eight of wands

They view you positively. The sky is clear and the beautiful river is flowing freely and giving life to the surrounding landscape. [1] The eight of wands represent quick movements. Every Tarot reading is a grouping of cards that have individual meaning. If you are frustrated by a sense of stagnation at work, this card can signal that you have missed opportunities by failing to act in time. You may want to tell your crush how you feel or ask them out on a date. Give them the benefit of the doubt, and keep the flow of communication going. Are you willing to stand up and fight for what is rightfully yours? In a reading Other than the wands, we can notice some mountains and rivers, but their placement holds very less meaning. You may have a pattern of falling into infatuation with people and mistaking it for love. This could mean an engagement or a new baby. This card warns you about fleeting determination because you are prone to get attracted to things or ideas that are new, completely forgetting about the plan you were working on previously, and switching focus immediately. In the future position, the Eight of Wands means that big, exciting things are coming your way. It typically features eight thin rods or staves, arranged in a parallel fashion. In a financial Tarot reading, the Eight of Wands reversed represents slow progress in your finances. With the Eight of Wands, you can look forward to the rapid completion of a project currently underway, but you can also expect to be occupied by something new and even more exciting soon. They may even get butterflies in their stomach when they see you. However, this Minor Arcana card can also signify poor timing and missed opportunities so you may be waiting too long to take action. It is a sign of the relationship moving forward at great speed and you and your partner jumping in with both feet. In a dating aspect, the reversed Eight of Wands could indicate that messages have stopped between you two. Someone is going to come into your life and sweep you off your feet. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. In this position, the eight of wands has two meanings that can apply to your career. In a career Tarot spread, the Eight of Wands can represent work related travel or things taking off a great speed. Finding the Eight of Wands in the present position indicates that you are feeling a bit stuck in your life. Your significant other will soon be ready - forcing things to happen may affect the result negatively. This is often taken to mean that a recent victory has set you on the path to success and that continued forward momentum will lead to even greater things. only then will you be able to find the relationship you truly deserve. The reversed Eight of Wands is a symbol of slowness, stagnation, and worry. If you have been trying to develop your psychic or healing abilities you may find that things are not progressing as quickly as you would like. In a love and relationship tarot card reading, if the eight of wands appear reversed this indicates that there are chances of misunderstanding and miscommunication in your relationship and with your partner. This can mean that good news is about to come which will skyrocket your plans for the future and you will experience steady growth. The Eight of Wands suggest movement and changes. Whatever the case may be, the eight of wands reversed is a reminder that love is worth fighting for. Take some time to cool off, give them the benefit of the doubt and wait until youre both in a calm headspace to communicate. If that is not the case, it is likely a more broad feeling you have towards the progress you are making at work. Try to keep account of how much is coming in and how much is going out. Also, make sure your previous task is complete before you move to the next one. If there are no opportunities for advancement at your current company, it is time to start looking for a new job. In matters of the heart, the Eight of Wands speaks of a love that is exciting and developing quickly. Since the card is about decisive action, they may make a move on you by asking you out or telling you how they feel. If youre single, youll find that your romantic life is once again set in motion; a new love interest may spark a romance, and your love life can even be moving surprisingly quickly. Now is a good time to take action, but you must resist the temptation to behave impulsively. They are unstoppable. How truly important are your material possessions? 2023 Ingenio, LLC. In this case, the number is eight, so you should expect it to be during the 8th day, 8th week, or 8th month of the reading. A whirlwind romance or love-at-first-sight is heading your way. Category: Minor Arcana, Suit of Wands. You may realize that splitting up would be a positive thing. The Eight of Wands reversed is a precarious omen when it comes to love and romance. Just like the upward Eight of Wands, the Eight of Wands reversedmeaning is generally associated with patience. Take note of what worked before and what did not. The infatuation will be very intense and feel life-changing whether or not it lasts will be up to you. If you are in business, a new venture could take off much sooner than you thought it would. With the Eight of Wands in this position, learn all you can from recent successful experiences. You may have been working hard but not seeing the results you want. Depending on surrounding cards in the draw, may indicate the speed of these events. You will be feeling positive and energetic. Sagittarius In the past position, the Eight of Wands indicates that your impatience has cost you many opportunities and soured important relationships. All prices in USD. The Eight of Wands is the card of movement, progress, excitement, and sudden changes. If the question is about the exact time when something you are wishing for will come to reality, and the eight of wands have been pulled out, this can indicate that the time is very near. Not secret signs, not 'maybe's, but clear communications with purpose and meaning. The Eight of Wands in Tarot stands for communication, travel, and speed. Every tarot card is rich in interpretation and with 78 tarot cards in traditional decks, it can feel overwhelming to learn all their individual meanings and the messages that are trying to come through. Lust and the blooming of romantic feelings encompass the Eight of Wands. It's very important that you awaken to the changes happening all around you. In the background, there is also a hilly landscape with trees and a river that looks lush and full of life. The usual result of such behavior is a source of . Things will fall into the right place themselves. In terms of health-related reading, the eight of wands in the upright position are mostly good news as it indicates good health and active physicality. Ultimately, your explorations are part of your self-discovery process. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. You or someone in your life will make a remarkably rapid recovery from an illness or injury. In a singles love reading, impatience concerns the reversed Eight of Wands. Instead of focusing on the happy days of your early courtship, think about the lack of excitement and growth that has plagued your relationship lately. A truly lucky card, the Ace of Cups pairs very well with the Eight of Wands. Its great that you are being assertive with your decisions, but slow down a bit, relax and give a few more thoughts before moving forward. You may be called upon to give each other some space as it is likely that you are both miscommunicating one another. If you have been trying to develop your psychic or healing abilities you should find yourself gaining momentum and progressing quickly. The Eight of Wands is likely to appear in your reading when your life has moved into a period of making things happen. A new venture will take off sooner than you expected. Copyright 2022 CodeYeti Software Solutions Pvt. You may notice that a lot of small things are going your way. Key meanings (Upright): Movement, speed, quick decision, sudden changes, excitement, thrill, progress, action, rush, travel, freedom, holiday romance, gaining momentum, hard work paying off, results, solution, Key meanings (Reversed): Lack of speed, slowness, lack of results, return from holiday or vacation, zero progress, bad timing, losing momentum, missed opportunity, late start, delay, cancelled plans, unfinished business, lack of energy, negativity, impatient. He will receive new information or a patron, an assistant who will help solve problems. When the Eight of Wands appears reversed in a tarot reading, the notion of movement is still there but now there is an obstacle that must be overcome. So, if you are going through any tough situation or stuck in a dilemma, getting a one card pull is always helpful. Eight of Wands Tarot Card Upright Meaning. In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Eight of Wands reversed is not a good omen indicating a lack of progress or slow progress, lack of romance and a relationship losing its momentum. In numbers, if one wants to count, they should expect the time to be one month later, or specifically the 8th, 17th, 26th, or the upcoming month. Your small investments today will pay off in the end (even if they are frustrating now). But if that is not the case, then the eight of wands is resonating with your internal feeling of satisfaction and success as you are feeling you are making great progress in your career and profession and you are moving forward very fast. They are pointed at a downward angle, implying that they were thrown by somebody and are hurtling towards the ground at great speed. Drawing this card implies a strong yearning to travel and see the world. Be mindful of this as you make choices in the coming months. In a financial Tarot reading, the Eight of Wands represents a lot of movement in your finances so you may have your finger in a lot of pies or a lot of money coming in and out when it appears in your Tarot spread. Reversed General Meaning. You might now see that what you set in motion earlier created the obstacles that you are discovering right now. Now is the time to put all your energy into your career and let the Universe take care of the rest. If you ask how someone feels about you, the Eight of Wands is an indication that they feel excited by you. Get clarity on your love life today. Things are going your way. Make sure youre ready to take advantage of this sometimes frantic energy. You possess awareness as to how to effectively apply your imagination to shape the world in productive and aesthetic ways. Determine what you want to manifest and then align all of your resources and energy to focus on that singular goal. The Eight of Wands shows eight sprouting wands sailing through the air at high speed. If youre currently in an existing relationship, surprises can be in store, giving the two of you some excitement in your relationship. Just like in your love aspect, we advise you to be patient. When the Eight of Wands appear reversed, you should take it as a warning sign as it tells you to do some more contemplating before moving forward. But that is not the case for you right now, because your bank balance is increasing at a very slow speed which is frustrating you a lot. If you are in business, a new venture could take off much sooner than you thought it would. Conveys immediate information or action. The image depicted by the Eight of Wandsmeans that the difficulties that were brought by the Seven of Wands are finally over. Some may look at them as wands that are blossoming that are travelingat a maximum speed. It is a Minor Arcana card of sudden action, excitement, exciting times, travel, freedom, holidays and holiday romances. Because the suit of Wands relates to information, look for new communication and unexpected news. NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards. The Eight of Wands upright tells us that all the struggles and hardships that were indicated by the seven of wands have now ended, and a time of freedom and independence to move forward with your plans has come. Join the waitlist for the All-New Biddy Tarot Deck (coming soon!). The Eight of Wands are reversed to indicate a time of action and getting things done. It indicates that your life is about to get busy and you wont have much time on your hands, because you will be working hard with dedication for your future and making immense progress. You may be getting a second wind to finish up a long-term project. This Eight is a dynamic card, containing a high level of energy that propels you forward to reach your goals at a much faster pace than ever before. What Does the Four of Wands Tarot Card Mean? Whether the relationship is new or youve been together for years this Minor Arcana card reversed can represent a lack of energy, excitement, sex or passion. It shows eight staves, which have a similar look to wands, suspended in the air. Is a settlement about to appear in a long-running dispute? Tarot card Eight of Wands means a vacation, a successful trip, a fun and easy pastime. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Eight of Wands is a Minor Arcana Tarot card. You can compare it with a sound wave, the speed of light. The Eight of Wands is the eighth card in the suit of Wands (also known as the suit of blades) and one of the fifty-six suit cards from the minor arcana. Eight of Wands Meaning - Love & Relationships (Upright) In a love reading, the Eight of Wands is a very nice card to get. Suppose you were in a long-term relationship when you got this card. Dont give up on your dreams of finding happiness with someone special. Reversed. Save your money and wait for the perfect time to invest. The illustration of the eight of wands in the Rider-Waite tarot card doesnt match the exact energy of the card itself. The rush of feelings that accompanies the Eight of Wands card also suggests that you are charging up your confidence to take action. In a general context, the Eight of Wands represents hastiness, speed, rushing, progress, movement and action. If the reading is done during the summer season, this does not mean that your wish will be fulfilled during the spring. Once youve done that, youll be able to decide whether its worth continuing on your current path, or whether its time to take a new direction. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking. The Eight of Wands is depicted as eight flying staves that appear as ifthey are suspended in the air. Trying to slow things down because youre not ready or youre fearful about the unknown will just waste this opportunity. If you are single, the Eight of Wands reversed indicates that you may meet someone whom you will initially be infatuated or obsessed with but the relationship will turn sour and you will soon begin to dislike this person intensely. Discover Your FREE Personalized Tarot Power Cards, UPRIGHT: Movement, fast paced change, action, alignment, air travel, REVERSED: Delays, frustration, resisting change, internal alignment. It signifies a strong level of energy which states that different aspects of your life will be trailblazing. You will be feeling positive and energetic. A card of action; swiftness. Her Great-grandmother was known to keep up with her own 21 children by talking to the birds and the bees, as well as reading the signs in the cards. An online resource for tarot and divination enthusiasts. Being hasty will hurt you in great ways. In the future position in your reading, the Eight of Wands is a harbinger of opportunity. We all know that the exhilarating feeling of being in love only happens during the first phase of your relationship and diminishes later . Known by Kabbalists as the Lord of Swiftness, the Eight of Wand's fiery energy is all about movement and speed. Think before you act first. Keep looking for alternative ways around the challenges presented so you can carry out your plans. This shows their decisiveness. A worrisome sign for your health, the reversed Eight of Wands indicates slow recovery from sickness. This card indicates that you will be extremely tempted to make some expenses that with more evaluation will seem very unnecessary. Eight of Wands Feelings, Love & How Someone Sees You, 10 MINUTES FOR $1.99 (New Customers Only), Get clarity on your love life today. Eight of Wands Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings: In a general context, the Eight of Wands represents hastiness, speed, rushing, progress, movement and action. Sometimes the card can suggest that someone is mindlessly going with the flow instead of taking proactive steps to create positive change. A minimalist and modern lenormand card deck printed with gold foil on sleek, matte, recycled plastic. Applied to your career, this principle can mean rapid movement in the literal or figurative sense. Their flight suggests change, movement and travel. While diving into things makes you feel in control, doing something isnt always better than doing nothing. It urges you to follow your instincts. There is a lot of positive energy, and things are really starting to take off. The reversed Eight of Wands can mark significant delays, particularly concerning travel or fast-moving plans. Whatever the case may be, the main message of this card is to take action and make things happen. Get best future predictions related to Marriage, love life, Career or Health over call, chat, query or report. The Eight of Wands always reminds me of a quote attributed by Dienekes before the battle of Themopoly. Although everything is fine on a day-to-day basis, deep down one of you has doubts as to how long your relationship will last, and if this is truly the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. What Does the Eight of Wands Tarot Card Mean? Drawing this card implies a strong yearning to travel and see the world. Hastiness is an unattractive quality and could lead you into relationships that dont serve your highest good.Expand your spiritual practice by learning tarot. Dienedkes replies that then we will fight in the shade.The eight of wands is the tarot card that warns about shooting your mouth off. Use the energy instead to fuel positive change and produce significant results. In some cases, the reversed eight of wands can indicate that you are giving up on love altogether. There is no hint at anyone being there. Even if you had to leave it all behind, you know you could start all over among total strangers and succeed once again. Some cards in the deck are far more powerful in one of these positions than in others. Should you find your love life in a rut, youll be relieved to see movement and excitement once again. So be careful with useless purchases and keep your hands tied during these times because things might become difficult if you do not control your impulses. The Eight of Wands is a card that belongs to the first suit (Wands) of the fifty-six cards called Minor Arcana in a traditional seventy-eight tarot card deck. Ultimately though, you will make progress. You may even enjoy being part of a tour group that visits ten countries in as many days! Adorned with holographic gold edges. There is no stopping you right now as you are just bursting with energy and ideas, and you cannot wait to achieve one task and start another. Recent successes provide confidence to accomplish more. Keep putting positive thoughts out into the universe, it is sending them back to you. Where you didn't see progress earlier, you'll soon discover that they paved the way for the coming wave of action. Eight of Wands Reversed Tarot CardKey Meanings: In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Eight of Wands reversed is not a good omen indicating a lack of progress or slow progress, lack of romance and a relationship losing its momentum. If you have dreamed of meeting your soul mate or reconnecting with an old lover, then this is a sign that it will happen very soon. Your progress has plateaued, making this the right time to try new things. This cards strong energy gives a sense of urgency to any reading. You may find yourself going places in the physical sense of attending meetings or overseas conferences or you may find your career is going places! Reconsider doing anything impulsive and give the other person time without forcing your ideas on them or making plans together beforehand. The first is that maybe you are feeling a sense of stagnation in your job. It could seem like money is out of your hands as quickly as it came into them. The sky is clear and the beautiful river is flowing freely and giving life to the surrounding landscape. In conclusion, the Tarot sends you the Eight of Wands when it is time to let the universe toss your creative abilities into the air and follow them to wherever they might land, making the most out of the energy they gather from the flight. As the wands seem to be travelling with a speed, money is going to be a fleeting thing for you right now, and as fast as you are receiving money, you will be prone to losing them just as fast during this time. In a reading, this card can indicate that your love life is about to take off in a new and exciting direction. This is making things more difficult as its not letting you grow and stopping you from coming out of your shell. Your ability to prosper at this time depends on your ability to remember just how much came in and how much went out. You may become infatuated or obsessed with this person and the romance will take off quickly. Tami has studied the psychology of tarot cards extensively, and often uses them as a creative tool in much the same way that Phillip K Dick did. Are you headed toward a long-sought conclusion? Do not be shy as you will be well thought of by those you mingle with. This will make you lose communication with your partner, and create confusion and misunderstanding. The eight of wands tarot career meaning is generally considered to be a positive sign, indicating that Exciting times are ahead. There may be silence, specifically, someone may have ghosted you. The wands tarot family reading also suggests that now is the time to take advantage of opportunities that come your way. However, this Minor Arcana card can also signify hastiness so be careful not to jump into things without researching them. You feel that you have moved too fast, and feelings grow because of what others working under you are asking from you. The Eight of Wands is the most dynamic Arcana in the Tarot system. Are you getting a Tarot reading because everything going right in your life is producing a weird feeling? The wands which are present in the air indicate that you are completed using your attention in whatever work you are doing. As the staffs in this card soar across the sky like a volley of arrows, the focus here is really about being quicker at the draw. The card represents speed, swiftness. Eight of Wands is a Minor Arcana Tarot card. The Eight of Wands Tarot cards is a sign of exciting times, adventure, exploration and discovery in the romantic realm. If the purpose of your Tarot reading is because things are not going so well right now, the Eight of Wands in this position lets you know that you may have not made the most of the opportunities in your recent past. You will be given greater responsibilities than you feel you are ready for. When it comes to love, the eight of wands meaning pertains to your readiness to be committed on a relationship; however, the card advises you not to force the other party to also be ready on the commitment. It will only make things harder, so let go and be in the flow. This tarot card depicts great excitement. This card indicates that you will be able to get rid of your illness very quickly, without delay or struggle. This concern will manifest by feeling overwhelmed by what people are asking of you. The Eight of Swords signifies constraints and self-victimization. [1], In English-speaking countries, where the games are largely unknown, Tarot cards came to be utilized primarily for divinatory purposes.[1][2]. Go forth with confidence that you will continue to surpass expectations. They may find you to be jubilant and thrilling. Among total strangers and succeed once again expenses that with more evaluation will seem very unnecessary are right! Always better than doing nothing the way for the future position in your reading when your life is producing weird. Of cards that have individual meaning, indicating that exciting times are ahead may realize that splitting would... Four of Wands always reminds me of a quote attributed by Dienekes before the battle of.. 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