percy jackson more powerful than the gods fanfiction

There was probably nothing to worry about. Like, I could do so much better. Seeing this Hades collected himself, the (literal, green) fire in his eyes dimming. there's probably more than enough of these, and no rights go to me - they're all to Uncle Rick. It took a while for me to open my eyes. Gods don't love, but when they do, the consequence is unimaginable. "The two of you are children that I love. By destroying our armies, knowing we would have them replenished around the time of your sixteenth birthday, you almost guaranteed yourself as being the child of the prophecy. I relaxed as she walked out, and shut the door behind her. "Percy, I'm sure you are aware by now that you managed to wrestle control of the sea from your father, even if it was only for a few minutes and due to anger, it still makes you the most powerful demigod to have ever been born, the gods have ordered you to attend a council meeting to decide your fate as soon as you are well." Thalia looked away, and covered her face with her hand. I winced, and glanced at the ground. "Bianca. She didn't sign up for the headache that is her half-siblings from the past, nor going on an epic quest all across ancient Greece. Sobbed and sobbed until I was sure the entirety of the grand building we were in could here me. I think I know what I want.". Rewrite Of 'Tis A Fearful Thing To Love What Death Can Touch Series! AN: sooo, umm well this is the first fanfiction that I have ever posted so I just wanna say thank you for giving it a chance and you will make my day if you review. ", "I would never forget about you," Thalia said firmly. The sea is not unlike the abyss; it is deadly, destructive. Lucien is an extremely powerful son of Hades and self-proclaimed Greek god of chaos. We can build a new world. Annabeth's steel grey eyes flared. It was throwing me off. "You want to know why they took him?" Zo was unconscious, but she had a gash on her side from where the General's javelin had hit her. He has ten years before he is to be freed, but beings older than time itself are stirring, leaving only Percy to face off an ancient threat. How did this even happen. He's glad there's someone close to his age to hang out with. I dont want your help., Thalia crossed her arms. You don't mean anything more to them than the others.". Thalia's jaw set. #panthons "Careful! I didn't bother knocking, and opened the door to see the horse-man I remembered from my first time here, Chiron. Especially to face the daughter of Hades, in her element, with her father, the all-powerful, all-feared Lord of the Dead, in screaming distance. No one really needs me. Percy Jackson: Thank you for your blessing but what is a blood blessing?Apollo: A blood blessing makes you have my powers and powers that my children have and I can't undo this blessings. I was looking at the Hunter with skepticism at this point, but still allowed her to lead me farther back, to the largest tent of them all. Annabeth and Luke had been whispering to each other, and then Luke looked up. Nico cowered a little at my side. "We'll be more powerful than the gods." Thalia looked on the verge of tears. I fell asleep in Thalia's tent, that night. He knew it was the wrong decision to make the moment it slipped out of his mouth.Percy stands in front of the Olympians on Mount Olympus. I suggest you check it out, it is a masterpiece. She held out her hand. Fine. I grabbed my weapons off the table, and headed towards the door. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, "I wasn't born to be soft and quiet. the girl sighed, and approached me. I watched the light the fire cast on the wall around me. 2.Minor god league: Hazel Levesque, Heracles, Chrysaor (if he is indeed a demigod) 3.Elite tier: Percy Jackson, Jason . The 'cow-serpent thing' with the power to destroy the gods." "Yes, you should have," she replied, crossing her arms. Their looks turned nastier, so I took that as a yes. I braced myself for the worst, and blurted out the first thing that came to mind: "I'm so sorry Thalia, I was wrong and I know you have no reason to b-", "Oh, thank the gods," Thalia said over my rushed apology, coming out from behind the table and meeting me in the doorway with a few long strides. Recounting my memories of right before Id blacked out had made the rest a bit clearer. Thalia Grace stared out over the ruined fields. I half expected to just stop existing, like the legends say about people caught in Erebus, or if not that to end up on the familiar shores of the Styx. Forget about Olympus, I thought, seething with cold rage. Please, come back with me. I'm pretty excited about this Story since I always wanted to read one about the Etruscan Gods (Still looking for one about the Mycenaean Gods). . With green eyes like the ocean, depths crystal-clear like the everdeep river that runs through camp, and black hair like coal and hidden darknesses. Then emerged four of the skeleton warriors. Before he could say anything, I felt that horrible energy tenfold, and my view of the titans' throne room began to fade. You've been ruled dead. She seemed to have showered, and her curled blonde hair hung loosely around her face. A section of ceiling near the window fell, destroying maybe three of the dracanae, but backing me even farther into a corner. ", Luke frowned thoughtfully. I crouched down, trying to get just the right angle-. His voice broke, and my frozen heart shattered. This will be short and concise. Percy: Yes dad.Hades: I blood bless Percy Jackson and blood adopt him as my son. It'd be easy to think she was lying. I was glad Thalia didn't ask why. It's memories and hopes and dreams, it's secrets shared in the cover of night, under stars of pale gold and shimmering, flashing street lights. He steps into the ocean, his fathers domain, and swims to the palace.He doesnt ask for an audience with the king of the oceans. That's righ No feelings, no strings, no friendship, or God-forbid anything beyond that. He is also one of seven main protagonists of the sequel series The Heroes of Olympus, appearing in every book except The Lost Hero, and appears in the Trials of Apollo series, making him one of the few characters to appear in all three series of the Camp . What if Thalia had gone running back to her old friends and spilled my secret? Suddenly the door was sliding open much faster, and in a moment I could see him. He was terrified, and worried, and so, so tired, but he wasn't angry. His mom uses the head to dispose of Gabe Ugliano, and disposes of the head. He said he was expecting her, actually, so I guess it was a trap." The giant tossed me through the door into some kind of dark throne room. With the addi. ", "And did any of you bother to go into the Labyrinth and check?" "This is my fault", "No, Bianca. We heard Annabeth sigh, and she sounded legitimately disappointed. she said. I could get Nico back on my own. The majority are the descendants and relatives of the Elder Titans, their chief enemies. Percy: Yes mommy Hera: I blood adopt Percy Jackson as my son.Hestia: Percy can I adopt you as my son? is it forever changing, forever in flux, forever to be unknown?). "I can't." "Please! The new voice got my eyes to snap open and my head to turn, pain be damned. ", A beat passed before he nodded shallowly. Well, that is assuming he survives the freaking war that opposed the Trojans, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, and Aphrodite. This article is about the pantheon of gods. Percy Jackson Fanfiction Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Some things never change. Sure, his dad might be a little sad but ultimately happy to have him out of his business. ", "Yeah," I said, "I don't want this prophecy more than anyone else. I will try to reply to all your comments (done a good job so far). For a long time Percy had felt the same, that was until he had found out that the Greek Gods were real and they were jerks. . Will he be able to get back to his own time, or will he be stuck in the past forever? We just need you to summon the creature, Thalia, and you'll be more powerful then the gods." I watched Luke Castellan kneeling at the foot of his large, golden coffin, dressed in some sort of cape or robes I couldn't make out in this light. You should know. in which Niklaus was not the only 'Mikaelson' who was not Mikael's son. The line is a single choice shall end his days. I collapsed back onto the pillow and tried to make out the details of my dream. Looking down at my hand, I saw a pretty bad burn, and a few small cuts that were probably from landing. I worried for a moment that I was somehow stuck inside the darkness, but no; I could see a faint red glow off to the right, and I could feel jagged gravel underneath me. There has never been a god like you before. I thought of how Thalia had run off yesterday. Zo took my hand. Percy was Only One of Seven Who Survived and He returns Home. One end flows down into Tartarus, so I hear, and the other end eventually converges with the other Rivers, creating a fiery, cold, oblivion-woe-and-lament inducing waterfall. Luke pointed to the beach far below. You have incredible abilities. "If he thought Annabeth had princess curls then this boy had Prince curls, capital P. How didnt he notice the boy with hair like that?! Something ancient is stirred in the young god as he finds himself falling for the Prince of the Seas, consequences be damned. A real dream, as if there was any doubt. You decided to share some secrets with your old friends, and you got my brother abducted! I screamed, walking forward. Juno paused, allowing Percy to watch the thriving city. Her face contorted in pain, but relief was evident on Artemis's. "What does a cloud cast?". Percy: It's Okay Artemis.Artemis: I Artemis blood bless Percy Jackson with my powers and powers like my children, if I had children. "No. Annabeth straightened up. We need to get her brother back here. A girl who hadnt spoken thus far said. Even completely still my body ached like I'd thrown the weight of the sky. "No. "It was-", But on the way, his eyes passed over me, and horrifyingly, just like last time, he saw my spirit there. episode of Death Battle Wiz: Rick Riordan is one of the most popular teen fantasy writers of the twenty-first century. There's a new kid at camp, Luke hears. "Send scouts, even? New update of 9.5k on the chapter 9 page! Something like I'd never experienced before, a feeling that wore on me throughout my body and mind. "And where's Jackson?" It's sometimes a necklace, sometimes swinging around his wrist in a flash of silver. OR: God!Percy raises his little sister, who, for a mortal, is just as good at finding trouble as he was. Action Fanfiction Fantasy Zeus Jason Grace Thalia Grace Katie Gardener. ", I looked at her for a second, then closed my fist around the paper. Then - something slammed into him, the faint smell of strawberry shampoo filling his senses as soft, curly hair smothered his face, but the smell of sweat, blood, dust, and sewer water was stronger. Make him promise, too. Being the son of a heartless man is impossible. When I saw the coffin, a chill passed through me. The first part of the hallway to not be coated in currently-unlit-fluorescent was the large, flat white door that stood at the very end. Now, though, I was lying on what felt like a cot, made with soft but sturdy fabric. Why had we gone anywhere near the desert? The redeemed and the banished unite, There is a reason Alaska is called the Land Beyond the Gods. Percy died, but Elysium left him feeling empty.Hades gives him a choice to fix it, ascend or reincarnate. She was staring right at me, and my first thought looking at her face was that she was strangely attractive. She wasn't upset with me? Kronos Ouranian, the King of the Heavens and the Earth and the Titan of Time, wasn't always the paranoid and cruel madman that is told in the myths. "I promise I'm not going anywhere. Most gods are described as being part of a family or Pantheon, and they rely on their mortal devotees for worship. It took a second before her expression went slack with realization, and turned into an evolved form of the expression I'd seen on her face when I last told her about my dream. "Before we get to anything military, I need to ask you something. Luke said to the girl. It's not easy being a half-blood on your own. And you'll have to kill me before I leave his side.". "How..", "Artemis." "Your younger brother dove into the darkness after you.". Clouds were indeed closing in, and darkness along with them. "Anyways," she started, pulling a sheet of thin white paper and a pen from her shelf, "What else did you learn from your dream? Percy died and then you run off and join the Hunters of Artemis, for what? ", I shook my head and smiled wryly. Percy , Annabeth had said. ", Dream-me's heart was beating fast. Minor gods and goddess /faded gods and goddess: We blood bless you Percy Jackson.Hecate: I blood bless you Percy Jackson and can I blood adopt you? Maybe they'll never make it back home, but maybe they can find something here instead. Thalia smirked at that, and I glared at her again. 15 demigods, 2 satyrs, and a dryad are teleported to Olympus to read The Lightning Thief with the gods. Who will win? He knew it was wrong. It all started when Annabitch aka Annabeth cheated on me with the god called Sin. Will he survive? Hello I love Jenna Ortega and imagines so I decided to try to write my own. I didn't really pay attention to our surroundings- some big plain of grass. I asked as soon as she was in hearing distance. Then whos side are you on? Annabeth asked. ", "No! "I gave her the choice to come stay here with me, or to remain as she did in her own world. "You left me! What I was really paying attention to was Lady Artemis fighting. I'm sorry yours didn't, but that's not my problem, or the world's. And now, you might be thinking, "Percy, didn't you want to die eventually. Im here to take you to a proper home., I looked her up and down. In which Malcolm Pace, city planner of New Athens and head counselor of Cabin Six, has enough on his mind without having to deal with Percy and Annabeths attempts to set him up with the alluring yet vexing daughter of Poseidon and Amphitrite, Princess Rhode of Atlantis. Are. But it has its uses.. The kid was the most powerful demigod he had ever seen and he kept getting more powerful every year. Annabeth had reached the wall by then, and as I watched I could see it slide open into a white hallway. 268K 6.1K 11. When he died, he had hopes for Elysium. "We'll never know, will we." What if your world could be changed forever? ", I laughed- oof, bad idea, worst idea- and ended up coughing before I said, "Thank you, Father. He had his sword at the throat of that girl who'd helped Percy and Thalia rescue us from Westover - Annabelle? ", Thalia's expression darkened. It's been months. Annabeth's eyes widened in horror, while Luke remained stone-faced. "You and Grover are the only people who know about us. Percy Jackson and the avengers crossover (none of the characters belong to me) Started-6 Jan 2019 Finished-14 Aug 2019. . He will become a god and get different blessings from different dimensions gods. ", "I'm sure that wasn't your fault," she said. Harry Potter Fanfiction. #olympus You must go my huntresses, it is a trap.". You cannot destroy me. "The people I love always leave me behind. Thrice in his two-hundred-something years, he finds himself discussing his lack of mortality in the Big House with Chiron. A teenage girl, turned away from me, in gray camo pants and a dark t shirt. The Heartless Assassin by . "They know something has irreversibly changed," Juno said. "It saves us time. Good news, the curse only effected one person. And since he was respected or feared by most of the creatures inhabiting the Underworld, most of them were too afraid to mess with me. My heart froze in my chest. Take her.. The Gods have almost faded. Did you really think that after all of this- after everything Ive gone through in the past year that was, at its core, because of you, I would actually want to save you? I scoffed. "I can hold it again for another fifteen minutes.". I know what youre doing. I took a step forward. "Before you judge us out of hand, think. We already have the boy, but hes not.. cooperating. "Don't hurt her. (also, if you have a question, please check other comments its likely someone has already asked). Is that why this was where the shadows took me? What Percy hadn't expected was to be reborn a hero after dying a hero. And what favour might that be, brother? They killed his best friend. I was in a room with four white walls, no visible doors, and panels of light that coated the floor and ceiling. Their quarrels, their politics, they aren't worth your lives!". "There she is," the voice of Kronos said, as my view was nearly faded. Thalia told us all that Artemis sent her on some secret mission, and that she wouldnt be back for a while., Where exactly did you see her last? "I can shadow travel too, you know? The Prophecy? He's not dead, he can't be!". Anna asked, poking her head out of the backseat window with concern. , !. A scream filled the air, and was soon joined by the piercing cry of a child.Poseidon listened miles away, under his palace, and when the child came out - he felt it.Poseidon gave a bitter smile and leaned back into his seat. "She will be," Annabeth reassured, "And when she gets here she'll be disappointed in you for being so difficult. "I can protect you from more enemies than one as long as you remain in my realm. "Understandable. Know that you shall be forever cursed. Percy is tired. What does this have to do with Percy Jackson read and find out. ", "I- I'm sorry." I want to do something,". I asked. I could see her back and right shoulder were already bruising from landing so hard on the sharp rocks. Well, I thought, If I'm gonna forget something, at least it wasn't an important detail. The girl didnt look intimidated. Can I get you-", "Skip the pleasantries, Luke. I didnt care that much. A dead half-blood is a pretty common occurrence back at Camp, isn't it? You have nothing to your names but your blackened reputations. 4 "supposedly"dead marks, comes to life and brightens. Apparently he was once again wrong, not even mentioning the new Great Prophecy. "Call to it, Thalia. He went willingly, but wouldn't look me in the eye. She just lost her little sibling. Joined by his girlfriend Annabeth and Nico's concerned boyfriend, this new trio must find the missing Demigod. Luke said. She clapped her hands together. Skeletons flooded up to the surface out of two huge u-shaped chasms, behind and in front of the cabins. "It wasn't your fault, Annabeth." What if your world could be changed forever? You dont want to do this. I knew Luke had tasked the girl specifically with finding me. I was older than I was, maybe fourteen or fifteen. Neither of them answered me. "Good luck, you two," said a Hunter named Phoebe who'd driven us most of the way there. I'd have to go back for them later. The story follows Percy into the world of an alternate extended MCU as he struggles to find his place in a world without his friends, family, or power. It will be a paradise for Percy. Her hands were bound and her mouth was gagged. Percy took a deep breath before squaring his shoulders, lifting his chin, and walking forward. I'm going to find you, I thought loudly. "ENDING THE LITTLE ASSHOLE'S LIFE YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Annabeth slashed at him which Percy easily blocked and . I was born to make the world shatter and shake at my fingertips." Everyone in the Camp stirred in confusion. Well find you a new family.. Anna-whoever, Grover, and I got on after that, and we took off flying into the night sky. Though with the other gods it might be a little less than excitement, it wouldn't really matter. The mountaintop was still with silence for a moment, as if everyone was truly shocked by this. And Thalia", "I left her on the shore. The campers began talking about search parties and tracking. Artemis looked into her eyes and some sort of silent exchange passed between them. "Sometimes they fall in love with someone and it brings the wrath of yet another god down on them. She met all our eyes in turn, then slowly shook her head. as of 1 / 17 / 2023, im taking my midterms, so ive not had time to update, but this is still in the works! The plants won't hold them off forever." "No. I'm going to get you out of here, I swear. The Winter Soldier was gone. The only colors visible were their eyes, dark grey and pale blue. They hold a trail and Zeus said I was guilty because Zeus is stupid and believes anyone who says they are threat to his rule. Once Gaea was defeated, the Roman and Greek camps decided to join together to make one even larger camp, complete with roman temples, weapons, dishes, war games and fauns. "I can't. I stopped by the house and you were gone.". Thalia had joined the hunters the night before her sixteenth birthday, eliminating herself from the running for child of the prophecy, and dumping the blame for the incoming apocalypse on me. And I don't think either of us are going to be able to rescue them without each other. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (145), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (309), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (216), The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan (117), Percy Jackson & The Olympians (Movies) (12), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (9), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (63), Good Parent Poseidon (Percy Jackson) (34), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Poseidon (Percy Jackson) is a Good Parent, Rick Riordan Demigod Universe | Riordanverse, Castles In Your Bones, Coronets In Your Heart, (Past Relationship) Annabeth Chase/ Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase/Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano, Alternate Universe - No Gods (Percy Jackson), Alternate Universe - No Demigods (Percy Jackson), Percy's Series of Unfortunate Cursed Events, Cassandra (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Aphrodite (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Alternate Universe - Percy Jackson Fusion, Perseus Poseidian Jackson, The Blood Of The Seas, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson Friendship, Bianca Di Angelo Doesnt Join The Hunters, He Is From His Perspective Doing The Right Thing, Really It's Just The Overwhelming Feeling Of Hopelessness, Mental Health Having An Effect On Physical Health, Original Demigod Character(s) (Percy Jackson), Elijah wants to kill everyone and then sleep, Daggers were never taken by Klaus so no one knows about them, Post-Gaea & The Second Giant War (Percy Jackson), Biblical Scripture References (Abrahamic Religions), brothership bracelets (don't take it off), Book 1: The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson), Alternate Universe - No Titans (Percy Jackson), nothing in this world i wouldnt do (for you), Most of the usual characters will probably show up at some point, The Sally/Styx tag is really more platonic because I like Paul, Sally gets to have a qpr with a goddess because I said so, Annabeth Chase is a Good Friend (Percy Jackson), a little bit crack just cause the premise, Poison Place | Of The Waynes and Demigods, multiple platonic relationships Ill list later, most main characters here are traumatized in some way tbh, except the comfort is basically a slap on the back of the head from Annabeth, she's the only reason Percy is still alive, The batfamily is held together by Dicks watered down glue at this point, but I refuse to acknowledge the comics where Bruce hits his kids, Not to the story she is literally just a villain(occupation), Author is mlm and does not understand straight couples, There Is Very Little Left Of Me (And It's Never Coming Back), Annabeth Chase Needs a Hug (Percy Jackson), Its not as prominent compared to my other fics, but just so you know percy is genderfluid still, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) References, Percy Jackson & Original Female Character(s), Percy Jackson & Original Monster Character, lowkey she thinks Percy is a serial killer, Percy Jackson-Blofis and Mr. I crouched down, trying to get back to her old friends, and first. 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percy jackson more powerful than the gods fanfiction