mtf hrt body changes timeline

Statements made, or products sold through this web site, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. February 1, 2016 Unexpected Amy cis, confidence, dating, dysphoria, edoubt, fear, hormones, HRT, male to female, mtf. Body hair will become thinner, lighter, softer and less coarse. I thought this would go away with time and I wouldn't have to adjust them every night, but months later I realized that no, this is the new normal. Still, when it comes to HRT, there are several signs that suggest you're moving in the right direction. I plan ahead to avoid all public bathrooms. I was excited, but there were more than a few surprises in . *As with all information, products, reviews, and services, results arenot guaranteedand may vary from one individual to another. In this case, a medical procedure is carried out where: Its possible to have a reversal procedure. I squash my breasts every day trying to hide them like I am ashamed that they are there when I am not. After 3 years I'm back and lewder than ever. 8. I spent the first nine months taking E2 pills (no AA) almost all of my waking time, but after much research, I switched to injections which at this point I expect will be what I stick with long term. I cry a little when I realize I will have to spend all weekend in boy mode when I had looked forward to it all week. *Please note: We use terminology like AMAB (assigned male at birth), MtF (male-to-female), and trans-feminine interchangeably for understanding across all age groups, cultures, genders, and identities. The hair on the arms, legs, chest, abdomen and shoulders will greatly lessen over the years, and in some instances it might disappear completely. This is one of the first pictures of myself I truly loved. The initial growth felt like my nipples were in vice grips most of the time, but regularly enough it would also feel like someone had given me an electric shock right on the top of my nipple which got old real fast and it was a real love hate relationship with this speed of growth. Softening of the skin as well as changes in facial and body hair growth will change. But after later hiding C cups I laugh at how much effort I spent trying to hide my initial growth and figuring out what I can and can't wear it is lot easier than I thought it would be. Obvious, but after owning bras for most of my life this was a notable change. 1:03. . When they started growing I was incredibly conscientious of the fact that there was something there that wasn't there before. Girl Rainbow. Overall I couldn't be happier. Getting these all right really flipped it. Slowly replacing clothes, not only with an androgynous wardrobe which I could wear now, but fem pieces I could wear at home and enjoy out later. Even if I could go back in time and tell myself not to put myself through this pain I know I wouldn't listen. This was in stark contrast to the guys with long hair who only had long hair because they never cut it and kept it permanently in a low ponytail. So one day at a time. However, there are several changes that most (if not all) trans women undergoing HRT experience along the road. You may have new feelings, and your interests may change. after 1-2 years. ", While the first nine months was something I did in private months 9-14 were very awkward as I passed through the very androgynous stage and came out, FFS: Research, Consultations, Surgery, Recovery and Results. My nails are long, fresh hair cut, the sweet spot after the last laser, some new clothes, a good photo in the mirror. In some sense, HRT appears to be a significant deal for all of us. Those changes are called secondary sex characteristics. I was completely terrified. And, according to her, she's succeeding, though she's not completely there yet. As with all my posts, this is comprised of notes from my journey, from someone that knew something was off since childhood and transitioned well past puberty had done its thing. Your breasts, for instance, may not get as big as your female relatives. But, you can never be sure which scenario will apply to your case. Still too afraid to touch makeup. I only received one comment on my voice changes through this entire process. If you want to modify your speaking voice, consult with a voice specialist. Bust Bunny has a 90-day returns and refunds policy and a 97% success rate. There is no current evidence that response to hormone therapy with the possible exception of voice deepening in transmasculine individuals can be reliably predicted based on age, body habitus, ethnicity, or family appearance. A link to all of the posts can be found in my transition journey. I won't have to pretend as much. Many also said the first time they got a male fail wasn't until shortly before a year (month 8-12). Even though she has been going through . If youre considering . Mood swings and depression. Male fail meaning that only one individual saw them as female for just a moment, not everyone, not all the time. Keep in mind that breast development varies depending on factors such as your age and genetics. Emotionally going from broken to not broken I know that this is beyond right and it makes me so happy. You can choose to take both hormone blockers and hormones, or you can choose the hormone-only approach, depending on the outcome you desire. Source: WPATH Standards of Care Version 7. These factors primarily include your genetics and the age at which you start taking hormones. Patterns persisting I am unsure if I want to show anyone this month's photo even though it is "the best one yet!". First closeup photo of my female presenting face I don't cringe/hate, yeah! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. An anti-androgen is a medication that suppresses the primary male sex hormones in the body. In summary, month after month I continued to look male when every part of me wished I didn't. Gradual changes. Most amusing and far fetched one I got by far was: "I see you keep your nails long and painted. Answer (1 of 6): After only a few months there won't be many noticeable permanent changes. Bust Bunnys unique formula was developed by chemists with more than 45 years of experience in the dietary supplement field. 1yr Diana-XO. Where pre-HRT when I was sad emotionally I could never get to the place I needed to be. You can wait for the transition to take its course and accept whatever change happens or you can choose a gentler transformation with natural breast enhancement pills. 1.1K. OMG this was the right choice. Some of your belly fat might move into your upper thighs and hips instead. Step #2: After one to two months, start taking estrogen to suppress testosterone levels even further and induce feminine traits, like breast growth. I realize that no, it was always month 9 that I should have been waiting for, and the mistake was somehow thinking that I only had to wait until month 6. Month 4-5 (Nov): Wee boobs! The body will begin to burn the fat located in the waist, shoulders and back. The size of your breasts will also be determined by: Wider shoulders and a wider rib cage may stretch the breasts and make them appear smaller. For most trans women, the size of the breast, nipple and areola will increase somewhat. Sex Stay on the safe side by using a birth control method. The only downside to this approach is that youll have to wait three to six months before experiencing any major changes, like breast growth, in your body. A hormone replacement therapy (HRT) transition is the use of hormone therapy to create a more feminine appearance. To view it, confirm your age. A new chapter in my life has started. Some days I would look in the mirror and wonder how it is that no one has commented on the scale of the changes, it wasn't so much that I had gone from male to female, but wow do I look different. 6 months ago I was 95% sure, already doing laser, working on my voice, etc. Body progress over the past ~year (Dec '21 - Feb '23). All right reserved, 3 Plant-Derived Hormones for Natural Breast Growth, Natural Breast Growth: 4 False Truths About Supplements, Male Estrogen Levels Chart: A Step-By-Step Guide, Fenugreek Dosage for Male-to-Female Breast Enlargement: 4 Questions Answered, Natural Breast Enhancement: 6 Dos and Donts, Reduction in the number of erections you experience, Normal testosterone levels in a male: 10 to 35 nanomoles per liter of blood, Normal testosterone levels in a female: 0.5 to 2.4 nanomoles per liter of blood. One of the first signs of positive progress youll note is decreased libido and thinner body hair. But I would remind myself that this is not a race, even if I am changing slowly I am changing in the direction I want to and to keep taking one day at a time. Itll make penetration more difficult. Bust Bunny has a 90-day returns and refunds policy and a 97% success rate. Syclarabelle 1987. Around month three to four I noticed that my eyes look a lot bigger because the eyelids no longer cover as much. When you touch things, theyll feel different. slower growth of facial and body hair. Within three to six months, this hormone will also shift where your body fat settles. Individuals gain a lose weight all the time, they get their hair cut or colored, and change their clothing style. April 2016 - 8th month of HRT. When I go full time I would prefer if I can worry about navigating the new social dynamics rather than worrying about stubble, learning the basics of makeup, buying new clothes all at the same time, and so much more. The content of this website is for informational purposes only. In summary, any hopes I could be me full time at only a few months were a pipe dream. I never switched back and forth between voices, but always working to improve my voice. So I keep quiet. On phone calls, I am always gendered female now. They include anti-androgens medication, estrogen and possibly progesterone. Sex Really it went better than I could have hoped and I was treated respectfully the entire time. Every time something changed I felt good about it and it was reaffirming that I had made the right choice. They could be slightly painful to touch, and the breast development of the left and right sides may be uneven. As more and more feminine traits would appear individuals would warp their definition of male so I would still fit in that box. After they first appeared I found myself looking down to check out that they really are there all day which was so fun, pleasing, and so right. Any doubts I might have had before are gone. The content of this website is for informational purposes only. Note: Some hormone blockers are known to cause an increased risk of depression. having an erection; some MTFs also find their erections are less. Masculinizing hormone therapy typically is used by transgender men and nonbinary people to produce physical changes in the body that are caused by male hormones during puberty. Other changes, such as reduced fertility and breast enlargement, are hard to reverse. HRT will begin to have an effect on your physical body within three months. I have a recording I did in January (month 7) where I was working on trying to do AES and with a little bit of pitch variation it was amazing and night and day better than anything I had done before and I listened to that recording so many times that week. - Co-Owner and President of Bust Bunny, Breast Health This is the now pic after 22 months of HRT. PMS Symptoms After preparing to start HRT, actually starting HRT and the first month this post encompasses the first nine months on HRT, what I discovered and what I wish I had known earlier. Month 6-7 (Jan): Laser seems to be finally paying off, practicing makeup is paying off, and my hair is longer. But I realized I couldn't because they all still see me a male. The first six months no one could see me as anything but male, but months seven to nine if they squinted and turned their head they could kind of see someone female. By month 9 it was only when I have pms do they get overwhelmingly super sensitive for a day or two. :) Took a little video of myself describing the feelings of wonder and joy as that is one of those things that I thought would never happen. With HRT alone, youll have to wait at least three months before seeing any notable changes in your breasts. Bear in mind that everyone is different and that not everyone will have the same journey. It was also sad every time I had to go in the opposite direction. . I felt so on point that day. Beyond that from needing to get a second letter, the real life wait time, the actual waiting lists, and options including possibly getting an orchiectomy earlier there is a lot to learn. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Press J to jump to the feed. From what I can gather the majority of trans women do not get this side effect. I was too big for the 34A I was wearing, but there was no way I could believe I was a 34C like the online size charts said. Unfortunately for them, they had already told everyone so then they had to go and talk to everyone again. Beard hair that is present at the start of HRT will remain, and can only be removed completely withelectrolysis hair removal. Male pattern baldness also stops (if it has already started) or will be prevented. Maybe they are young and the body responds faster. Girl Rainbow. Changes in your sex drive, body fat redistribution, breast growth, and emotional well-being will begin within weeks of starting HRT and will last for years. Below is the report copied from my journal which was enthusiastic, to say the least. Within the first few months of hormone therapy, the tissue behind the nipple will start to develop. "Natural" boobs, no augmentation. Wear breast forms to make your boobs appear larger and balance out your shoulders. The testes will get much smaller in size and it is likely that the size of the penis diminishes. I learned sleeping with/on top of a pillow can help deal with pain and prevent you from rolling onto your stomach. With a background in BioChem, I have combined my love of science with health & beauty interests to offer advice, discussions, and education on how to achieve better hormonal balance, sleep easier, reduce anxiety, and feel better about yourself, inside and out. And then a few months go by and at some point I look back at that photo and I wonder what in the world I was thinking and a little horrified that I showed it to someone as now I don't think I looked very fem at all. The balance between these two hormones can also help keep your libido elevated as you transition. For a good explanation of how to do the female voice check out this video. The impact of Hormone Replacement Therapy on the Male-to-Female body varies greatly from person to person, and it is therefore wise to stay realistic. Perhaps they got their meds dialed in faster. Statements made, or products sold through this web site, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The few times I would buy clothes I wouldn't try them on. the skin may become drier and thinner. MTF transition is a highly personal journey that may be different for everyone. Month 3-4 (Oct): Ouch boobs ouch. The most common changes you can expect include: Most people get over this phase after a short period. You can choose when you want to come out and for me, the plan was when I looked not male. In case the HRT doesnt reduce your sperm count, being sexually active with someone who can get pregnant can result in an unwanted pregnancy. It was a bittersweet moment when only six weeks later that the bra that I had waited to fit into my entire life I once again no longer fit as I had outgrown it. Each pill is a powerful blend of natures best herbs thatll promote a fuller chest through the faster formation of breast tissue. One time I was doing dishes and sat on the floor for a minute and cried, felt better, and then feeling much better continued doing the dishes while humming. I spent a ton of time reading papers, Wikipedia entries, blogs, and even some books. These changes reduce gender dysphoria as the body realigns with the brain. I honestly don't know how it could have gone better. Each day I get to take a step forward. We even chatted a little bit at the end about my transition. Your breasts will also begin to grow, making you curvier. Home Blog M to F Transition How Your MTF Transition Changes Your Body Step-by-Step. I was extremely glad I had taken measurements and photos that I could point to and say that yes things were changing even if it was really really slow. Sexual function will decrease, but it is hard to say to which extent performance will be affected. My optometrist said I should have noticed a slight red shift also. But I call it out because it is very time intensive. on 3 Plant-Derived Hormones for Natural Breast Growth, on Natural Breast Growth: 4 False Truths About Supplements, on Male Estrogen Levels Chart: A Step-By-Step Guide, on Fenugreek Dosage for Male-to-Female Breast Enlargement: 4 Questions Answered, on Natural Breast Enhancement: 6 Dos and Donts. But the longer youve taken the hormone, the fewer chances of having fertile sperm return. Overall, you may gain or lose weight once you begin hormone therapy, depending on your diet, lifestyle, genetics and muscle mass. If you want to have a child from your own sperm in the future, the safest option is to preserve your sperm in a sperm bank before beginning the HRT. Body hair. These timescales are rough estimates to give you a sense of how the transition might progress. Girl Rainbow. Over a time of typically 1 to 2 years, the existing body fat will redistribute itself into a typically feminine pattern. Approach #1: A combination of both anti-androgens and feminizing hormones will result in a slower onset of visible changes, usually within one month. Male to Female Transition Timeline HRT (MTF - Before And After) Transgender Story. Females, by contrast, have higher levels of estrogen, which also regulates the development of their sex characteristics. I recall a number of times when I was younger specifically thinking how I didn't like how my sex drive behaved and wondering if there was a medical way to change it. yeah. Over and over I heard from other individuals that the importance of voice is understated. Through the process of feminization, the MTF HRT effects much of the upper body bulk. This treatment uses testosterone to spur changes in your body that society associates with masculinity, like a deeper voice, more body hair and increased muscle mass. So if you have not set your flair please do so. It can hereby be concluded that main breast growth takes place in the first . You may notice an increase in size, fullness and firmness in three to four weeks, but for optimum permanent results you should take Bust Bunny for 3 - 6 months; individual results will vary. Anti-androgens (including medications like Spironolactone, Bicaludemide, Finasteride, and Dutasteride) block the effects of androgens (testosterone in this case) by binding to proteins in your body called androgen receptors. One of those changes that you start doing that is never mentioned and it was around the six weeks mark that I switched to doing this. All other factors being equal, there is no evidence to suggest that any medically approved type or method of administering hormones is more effective than any other in producing the desired physical changes. People see what they expect to see. It was so silly. You should expect your boobs to be smaller than your closest female relatives by up to a cup size. It was over the course of a week that I went from wearing them only at home to being the first thing I put on in the morning and kept on all day. As a transgender woman, she is excited about the noticeable increase in her breast size; something that transgenders who rely on HRT alone rarely achieve. This is one entry in a series of posts drawn out of notes and journal entries. When researching FFS I called my insurance and bluntly talked about it, I am paying for their services and need information. In March of 2015, I made the huge step to go on hormones and start the process of transitioning from male-to-female through the use of Hormone Replacement Therapy, otherwise known as HRT. 43yo MtF, 3.7 years Hrt, changes still to come . The picture on the left is from 2014, taken in a hotel on a business trip. Only the real world feedback I get is not even a confusing look, but a he, him or sir. Over a period of time (typically 1 to 2 years), a change in the subcutaneous fat (located just beneath the skin) will occur. They were getting bigger and starting to show, but more importantly, rubbing against my shirt was painful and heaven help me if I brushed up against a wall or anything. I now get all of the jokes about women wearing their coats at their desks in the office. Feminizing hormone therapy brings about physical and emotional changes that are more consistent with feminine anatomy and behavior. Hormone blockers (such as anti-androgens) prevent the production of testosterone in your body. I have been told I am moody, emotional, bitchy, craving sweets, and complain of being sick. This month I've had the least to write about, yet I've experienced the most profound changes. When I started on HRT like I so often with new topics I absolutely geeked out on endocrinology. Boy To Girl 15 Years Old MTF Makeup Transformation . Breasts will also vary in size and shape among different trans women. Month 6-7 (Jan): Laser seems to be finally paying off, practicing makeup is paying off, and my hair is longer. And then a few minutes later I did something I never thought I would get to do, I left the mirror while I could still see me. Approach #2: Its possible for estrogen-only HRT to lower your levels of testosterone without the help of hormone blockers. Lets learn endocrinology in my spare time. At the end of my first month, I stepped back to decided to continue or not which was something I promised to myself that I would do. Given the regular laser and electrolysis appointments I got decent at using foundation to conceal the resulting blotchy skin after sessions along with regularly playing around with basic everyday makeup. Skin softens and becomes thinner. A number of times on this journey I found someone posting a photos/video/story only to discover that they started the same month as me. VirtualFFS results and consultation for FFS. I really wanted to understand what I was taking and what the best way to go about my transition was. I could search back old comments and glean a lot of information from when many told parents, when others came out at work, when they got a male fail, when they got various surgeries, etc. 2:55. The degree and rate of the HRT timeline on physical effects depends in part on the dose, route of administration, and medications used. I transitioned in my 30's and combined with enough facial bone growth that I was not going to magically be read as a woman at only a few months. When I got home I made sure to provide feedback to the store explicitly calling out the women that helped me to further reinforce that this is exactly the type of positive behavior that will get individuals to come back and buy at their store in the future. At some point in the latter half of the first nine months, I realized the idiocy of this and consciously tried to change my behavior. So after a few months of hiatus, I started at it again around month 3. :). 3:31. And when I get used to the size a month later they are now bigger and this would repeat which absolutely sucked. For all my terror it ended up being a very positive experience and I got something that fit. Please be aware there is no instant Cinderella magic. Progesterone is a balancing hormone in estradiol, and its function is to ensure your estrogen levels remain optimal so you can transition faster. As I have written so many times in my posts everyone has their own journey. The second time it happened I took off the day from work because I thought I had food poisoning. Here are some of the effects you are likely to experience should you begin a feminizing hormone treatment plan: MTF HRT Timeline Of Physical Changes Patience clearly was key. 1:35. Girl Rainbow. Also opening or closing car doors scraping against your chest is something to be very careful about. A super sensitive chest scraping on a wall/door/etc would bring me to tears. The changes youll notice in the first few months will be physicalskin, chest, body fat, and hair growth. Enhance your breast size naturally even during the transition. I didn't know you played guitar in a band.". We have the answers. . Feminizing HRT has two components: hormone blockers, and the hormones themselves. Expert Tip: Over time, hormone therapy will affect your muscles, bones, and even the smell of your sweat. Join the discussion on Facebook We are doing our very best to keep this information up-to-date. Transfeminine patients can expect the following physical changes: While the degree to which an individual taking feminising hormone therapy will experience changes varies from person to person, the following table provides an indication of the HRT timeline. This is because your skin will be thinner than usual. At some point early on (I don't recall exactly when) I switched from being warm to being "cold" all the time. Just because a blouse happens to fit, if I don't like it, I shouldn't buy it. HRT has a timeline. Given how skinny I am I justified my fear by saying that there is no way I could pretend they are moobs. They can't be explained without . Its a synthetic version of the estrogen thats naturally produced in the ovaries. First, it takes months to really see any changes from HRT no matter how old you are, assuming you're beyond the age of puberty. However, this transition requires patience and the extent of the change is not predictable. I have done some research, but at this point, I am saving any notes for a future article if I do end up having SRS. Met a friend for lunch at my favorite restaurant. on estrogen) nipple and breast growth. And a little more than four months ago the day I started HRT I was 100% sure. They saw the facial changes as weight changes and more than one person even asked if I was sick with something serious like cancer between months 4-7. Hmm, maybe some muscle loss on my cheeks? It takes about 3 to 6 months to start noticing feminization changes from MTF hormones, and the changes may take up to 6 years to reach their full extent. 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mtf hrt body changes timeline