roosevelt high school teacher death

Kenneth W. Horan, June 41 Elmer (Jack) Conner, June 43 Eileen (Smith) Kraichely, June 37 Debra A. Donald R. Clay, June 48 Patricia Joan (Grayson) Weber, January 60 Peggy L (Halbert) Allman, June 52 Ralph Jerald Thole, June 53 William Miller, January 54 Bobette (Frazier) Harke, June 58 Roy Davenport, Jr., January 53 Rich Becker, June 49 Vincent LaVista, June 63 Patricia Lee Blake, June 65 Joseph Anthony Chiecsek, June 51 This is something well watch for the rest of the school year. Susan (Marlo) Skyles, June 52 Robert Sackberger, June 41 Alfred Brimer, January 50 Steven Tipton, 1971 Robert Lee Bader, June 68 Raymond Peter Heilich, January 46 Everybodys in a state of shock and disbelief, and feeling really, really sad.. Here's the latest the attack of the teacher's aide by a Matanzas High School special needs student. Ray J. Kleinberg, June 48 George F. Vlasak, June 55 Desiree Grich, June 69 Shirley Jean Potoski, June 51 Image via GoFundMe. Ruth (Hickman) Easley Harold W. Robinson, June 65 Richard Youngglove, June 54 Wayne Fleddermann, January 46 James Nahm, June 65 Glenda Jane (Schroeder) Fasholt, June 59 Denny Sue Samuel, June 66 Virginia Philo (Elder) Port, June 41 Arthur Santen (Jim Rydbom/For the Greeley Tribune) By Bobby Fernandez | | Greeley Tribune PUBLISHED: February 28, 2023 at 5:18 p.m. | UPDATED: February 28, 2023 at 6:59 p.m. Charles B. Holster, June 41 Richard J. Frightening enough, Roosevelt doesnt have a senior on its roster. Lester R. Jablonski, January 50 Sandra (Malle) Finch, June 66 Grace E. (Veinfurt) Maskell, January 44 Phyllis Jane (Hahs) Jedrzykowski, January 54 Karl P. Bielik, June 56 James OConnell, June 54 Ronald W. Gray, June 68 Raymond Klein, June 41 Ray Eckles, June 48 Marvin H. Landgraf, June 48 John T. McCormick, June 60 Stanley Landgraf, June 39 Raymond O. Frederick, January 40 Phyllis Morrison, 1971 Slectionnez Grer les paramtres pour grer vos prfrences. Loretta (Kingsbury) Sanderlin, June 44 Dick Kordik, June 46 F. Terry Williamson, June 54 Kenneth Wehrman, June 68 Kenneth Eugene Hurt, June 48 Sharon (ONeal) Hartsell, January 65 Dolores L. Ruediger, January 48 Mary (Credit) Hilbert, June 54 Day, June 69 Robert G. Davis, January 57 Richard C.L. Arline (Walshford) Gilerman, January 43 Clarence H. Becker, June 41 Harold Hopper, Dr., June 44 Mildred (Johanningmeier) Frein, June 52 Florence Karch, June 39 Robert C. Hughes, January 52 Jess Stagner, June 43 Richard W. Ivy, June 81 Allen Meek, June 50 Mary Ellen Heins, June 47 En cliquant sur Refuser tout, vous refusez tous les cookies non essentiels et technologies similaires, mais Yahoo continuera utiliser les cookies essentiels et des technologies similaires. Robert J. Gladu, June 68 Dorothy Elizabeth (Weick) Linek, January 38 Diane (Maret) Rossini, 1971 Porter Gordon, June 54 Mason Hewett, January 47 Geraldine (Curtis) Welker, June 61 April 11, 2023. Chester Rosenthal, January 59 Larry Merritt, January 52 Leroy Kohl, June 47 Alexander J., Jr. Belko, June 64 Ralph E. Arand, January 48 Christian Edward (Ned) Stein, June 58 Jim McNeill, January 55 Antoinette (Venverloh) Mueller, January 58 Norman C. Dilg, June 60 Leo Hylla, January 59 William Dunavan, June 51 Edna (Petrikovitsch) Parks, June 50 Charles E. Heitmann, January 54 Robert Chapin Green, June 44 (Bemberg) Dye, PhD, June 52 A 32-year-old Douglas County woman was convicted of murder and other charges after stabbing a man to death in 2020., according to a news release from the Kay Hill, June 44 Shirley M. (Sweetland) Enns, January 49 Paul Johns , June 57 Here are the updated Arizona Republic high school boys basketball rankings through Jan. 15, 2023. James Hess, June 57 Marlene Mauer, January 50 Charles Saussele, January 51 Sandra Kay (Chaney) Adamson, June 64 Gene Raymond Mattler, June 52 Henrietta F. (Masel) Hoppe, June 35 Leroy Gibbs, January 52 Theodore Charles Cox, January 56 Colleen (Toedtli) Muenster, June 63 Robert Gene Butler, January 51 Our data base contains additional names of deceased classmates. Robert B Sandefur, June 50 John Guenther, 1971 Louis J. Becker, January 46 Margaret (Lindwedel) Riley, January 53 Ron Pohle, January 52 John J. Moyle, June 42 Clarence Martindell, June 51 Milton Gist, June 98 Edward R. Schneider, June 53 George L. Ray, June 57 Donald Daniels, January 55 Carl Kluth, June 28 Robert Bernthal, June 42 Chadburn Barton , June 75 Henry Schafermeyer, January 60 Grayce Redfearn, June 51 Carol Ann Skrob, June 57 Marilyn (Sealy) Tyson, January 54 John W. (Jack) Gruender, January 56 William Dale Barclay, June 44 In 2017, a Roosevelt High School teacher was accused of letting students smash a piata in the image of then-President Donald Trump. Judy (Jordan) Eickmeyer, January 58 Gary R. Moxley, June 68 Norma Weisz, June 48 Robert H. Parks, January 50 WebKAYSON PHYLLIS ANNE KAYSON Phyllis passed away on Friday, January 28, 2022. Peggy Ann (Lynn) Baybo, June 60 James D. Cohoon, January 47 Jo Ann (Powell) Goeller, June 64 Russell C. Hitsermann, Jr., June 54 Richard W., Jr. Gray, January 49 Sandra Kay (Johnston) DeGuire, June 65 Adrienne (Juerling) Hutchison, January 55 December 13, 2022. Michael Baker, June 59 Nell M. (Bedwell) Toti, June 50 Clarence (Bud) Gilmore, June 56 William G. Jr. Rice, June 47 John Muench, June 54 Harry A. Lee, June 45 Nancy Mann, June 74 Flora M. Wandersee, January 47 Get the inside scoop on the top ranked high school girls' basketball players. James Upchurch, June 44 Susan (Hach) Zarrick, June 51 Oleta (Smith) Gandy, June 59 Diane L. (Farley) May, June 55 Nancy Jean (Swanson) Grattendick, June 60 John Maness, June 69 Roger O. Merritt, January 52 Geraldine M. (Geri) (Marshall) Jenkerson, June 55 Shirley (Busch) Kirgan, January 49 Audrey L. (Potucek) OReilly, January 44 James Fleming, January 47 Vernon Hellstern, January 39 SAN ANTONIO- NEISD is mourning the death of English teacher Mrs. Natasha Christian who was a teacher at Roosevelt High School. EASTVALE, CALIFORNIA (April 14, 2022) A 30-year-old teacher at Eastvales Eleanor Roosevelt High School has been arrested on multiple charges of Phyllis Shermer, January 51 Fern (Grossenheider) de Greeff, June 25 Shirley (Krahn) Prince, June 54 Judith M. (Moomjian) Lennon, January 59 Joseph George Bushko, January 46 Marcella (Litsch) Deysher, January 45 Allan Lee Brigman, June 68 Norma (Schaffer) Carriker, June 51 Betty (Ayer) Sampson, June 45 Helen (Wallace) Hoffman, June 31 Theodore (Ted) Deranja, January 57 Harry F. Pennington, June 43 View Full Report Card. Shirley M. (Huch) Luecke, January 48 WebRoosevelt High School Obituaries and Memoriams. Patricia (Hagist) Mueller, June 51 Jane H. (Rubin) Arrigo, January 39 Wallace A. Geipel, January 44 Raymond L. Culli, January 59 Karl P.W. Mary Jane (Zachary) Carter, June 37 Carol (Rauh) Schwantner, June 52 Marie (Smelcer) Senter, January 50 Ida Mary (Dierkes) Armbruster, June 35 Michael Furhmann, June 64 Walter Hampe, June 49 Thats not a typo: zero dollars. Ralph E. Boefer, January 47 Anita Lee (Steward) Bledsoe, January 51 William Davis, June 76 Lesley Earl Conway, June 68 Warren Geil, June 48 Jerry D. Anderson, January 59 Walter A. Beck, June 47 Arnold G. Townsend, January 48 Janet Ann DeTie, June 68 Mary (Hopkins) Watson, June 65 Carl Mueller, January 61 Susan Martha (Hoffmann) Maddox, January 60 Christopher Paul Vance, June 77 Gerald Harrington, June 54 Milton LeRoy Jensen, January 51 James Lawrence, Sr Glore, June 61 Carolyn C. (Casey) Craig, June 63 Rudi Hertlein, June 72 Veda Rogers, June 54 Fred Wright, January 50 She will be missed deeply, but with all the great things that shes accomplished over the years, there will be a little bit of Karynn Barlow in so many people who have walked the halls of Roosevelt High School.. Diana Elevier, June 69 Richard Murphy, June 59 Lorraine (Bockhorst) Johannes, June 40 Herman Honigfort, June 42 James E. Sachse, June 51 Ivan Lee Bridwell, January 51 Marion (Albrecht) Norbury, June 51 William Graber, January 54 Richard Maskell, June 41 (Jordan) Croghan, January 44 Robert Kaemmerer, June 43 WebPosted an efficient 7.8 points, 4.7 assists and 1.3 steals per game on a state title-winning team. Marty Daigger, January 57 LaVada (Queen) Snow, January 58 Louise (Wishon) Evans, June 49 Robert Gordon Hempler, June 64 Ruth Alice (Hausner) Grimsley, January 34 Phillip C. Sabin, January 56 Rene Ann Sonneschein, June 68 the pellet shop airguns. William, MD Petsch, January 48 Robert W. Chisenhall, June 53 David Jan Simmons, January 57 Robert P. Rugraff, January 52 Margaret (Ellis) Tart, June 61 Jeanneaette (Hempel) Brinkop, January 39 Ellen E. (Hughes) Josef, June 49 Todd Winchell, June 51 Arthur J. Baisch, January 43 Jeffery B. Delaplain, June 57 Florence Beckwar, June 41 Joann (Stevens) Kinney, June 52 In fact, arguably, its two top players sophomore Ryanne Bahnsen-Price (14.4 ppg, 3.8 apg, 2.3 spg) and freshman Kyla Hollier (13.9 ppg, 6.8 rpg, 2.1 spg) are each in the first half of their high school career. James Mudd, June 48 Donnie Jean Spooner, January 48 Richard A. Hoffman, January 48 Alma (Deuits) Hurst, June 38 Beverly Ann (Hutchinson) Cassity, January 52 Fred Portell, June 75 Wayne Henry Schultz, Dr., January 44 Louis C. Stichling, January 49 James Milton Edwards, June 47 WebPETTY BARBARA BRISBY PETTY Barbara Brisby Petty, 90, a retired and beloved high school Physical Education and Health teacher, died peacefully at her home in View Full Report Card. Bettie L. (Noel) Vineyard, June 46 Stanley Zych, June 48 Mary (Schmiedeke) Land, January 52 Robert Diehl, June 39 Karen (Holland) Garrison, 1971 James Massie, August 56 Billi Jean (Donner) Dill, June 48 Shirley A. Bill Frost, June 69 Sandra Lee (Mumbrauer) Page, June 56 Wayne Ferkel, June 63 June Marie (Wigger) Kornegay, January 51 Ruthie Fisher, June 69 (Bill) Rosenberg, June 65 Robert Able, June 42 WebAvailable Programs at Eleanor Roosevelt HS Awards and Recognition Maryland Green School (2015, 2019) School Information 7601 Hanover Parkway Greenbelt, MD 20770 Phone 301-513-5400 Fax 301-614-3446 Principal Portia Barnes Hours 8:45 a.m. to 3:25 p.m. Grades 9-12 Uniform None School Colors Columbia Blue Nancy Helen (Boefer) Auchter, June 42 Joe Slay, June 68 Andy Belt, 1971 Mark Doppelganger, June 80 Jo Ann (Johnson) Perkins, January 50 Clyde Koch, January 48 June Lee (Jessen) Latimore, June 42 Carol (King) OLeary, June 59 Karynn Barlow, an English teacher at Kents Theodore Roosevelt High School, died unexpectedly Sunday, Feb. 27. Ronald Rue, June 54 Lawrence Corzine, January 57 (Perrigue) Frazier, January 48 Ralph Collins, June 62 Fred E. Cordia, June 51 Paul Poston, June 52 Merv Tarde, June 69 G. Herbert Gessert, June 44 Carolyn (Lorenz) Petelik, January 37 David Mungenast, June 52 Susan (Schaefer) Durns, January 59 Gloria Mae (Hodde) Tracy, January 44 Donald Gray, June 56 Wally Anschuetz, June 47 Julia Hayden, January 59 Elsie (Schreiner) Zimmermann, January 46 Dennis Charles Durrer, 1971 Marion (Mayo) Mabuce, January 38 William Martens, January 51 Cathy Jean (Moore) West, June 72 Dennis M. Doetzel, June 62 Vernon Vineyard, June 52 Theodore Roosevelt College and Career Academy laid off 25 people recently, including 17 teachers and eight staff members, former employees said. Barbara Jo (Carson) Schembre, June 58 Mary (Kubos) Founie-Lange, January 43 Paul W. Weiss, June 44 Compare Roosevelt High School to Other Schools (605) 362-2860 Yvette Briggs, June 31 Rene Chouteau, June 38 David Reaban, January 54 He knew she made time to counsel students both when they wanted it and when they needed it: the mark of a good teacher. Diane Pearl, June 51 Mary P. (Doias) Simaku, June 50 Barbara (Tabor) Carter, June 54 Wally Clever, June 66 Charles Conley, June 55 Susan Tinsley, June 49 Kenneth Sykora, January 44 Dr. John Mullins, January 50 Ella Dorothy (Schor) Schlather, January 43 Clyde W. Decker, January 51 Robert Gall , June 42 Patricia D. (Irvin) Murray, June 52 Henry Frederick Westphaelinger, January 47 Ronald R. Castleberry, 1970 Denise Hempen-Bacon, June 79 Cynthia (Theodosadis) Milonas, June 51 Jean (Metzner) Miller, June 54 James Duane Lannan, January 52 Guido Scarato, June 51 Wayne Anthony Eaton, June 59 Jean Laverne (Schick) Holmes, June 55 Paul Sidney Neuhoff, January 40 Patrick Casey, August 51> Pauline Mae (Libby) Rupp, June 62 Willard Dillow, June 48 Ellen E. Lambur, June 60 John H. Klein, June 51 (Striegel) Geldbach, June 42 Patricia K. Jackson, 1970 Anita (Sausselle) Lieser, January 40 Jack Caughron, June 57 John Boemler, June 48 Erich August (Gus) Gagel, June 41 Norman Tyler, January 45 Patricia Ann Smith, June 68 Fresno Police arrested 43-year-old Jammie Barker at a home on 9th street near the intersection of Ventura Avenue in Fresno shortly after midnight on Wednesday, the Fresno County Jails arrest logs show. Lewis V., Jr. Mead, June 48 Janet V. (Fuchs) Schwartz, June 53 James Mainz, June 41 John C. Reid, June 42 Michael Clavin, 1971 Terrie (Myers) Pike, 1971 Lorraine M. (Horst) Edinger, June 41 Ruth (Sartorius) Cady, January 44 Patricia A. Virginia Catherine (Ackenbach) Ameiss, June 41 Michael Luzecky, June 35 Marie E. Merkle, June 55 Donald D. Mueller, June 51 Thomas Elgin, January 50 JoAnn (Rochester) Penzler, June 45 Albert F., Jr. Macy, June 41 (Lilie) Brischetto, January 37 Janice (Potter) Carter, June 68 Robert P. Duggin, June 68 Robert Charles Schaan, January 46 Virginia Faye (Bowles) Sherrill, June 56 Robert F. Dengler, June 49 William (Bill) Jones, January 52 Mary Jo (Davis) Owens, June 45 Dr. Allen W. Hahn, DVM, June 51 Amber L. (Hopkins) Goodwin, 1971 Douglas Atkins, 1971 Leonard Gruender, January 57 (Fred) Van Gorp, June 55 Even though she was a colleague, she was still like a daughter to me, he said. Mike Winchester, June 76 Viola Nora (Dauphin) Emmons, June 45 Peggy Turpin, January 48 Orvis L. Williams, June 65 Anita A. Audrey (Anderson) Hoffman, January 50 John Hawkins, June 54 John (Jack) William Fries, MD, June 42 John A. Follmer, January 51 Alan Joseph Astasauskas, June 69 Sherdel Poston, January 48 Donald T. Hahn, June 59 Myrna (Adams) Blue, June 55 Merlyn (Eggers) Romberg, June 54 Patricia Theobold, June 76 Steven Pack, June 76 Arthur Streb, January 50 Jeanne F. (Altman) Zielinski, June 48 John (Jack) Schatz, June 54 Harold E. Tettambel, June 46 Harmon Kunigunda, June 57 Charlotte McKenna, June 69 Don Sinamon, January 50 Jeffrey Bushnell, June 68 Milo F. Mracek, June 44 Constance June (Meier) Conroy, June 45 George Doerr, 1971 Helen Davis, January 51 Robert Norman Scheer, January 52 Marjorie N. (Williams) French, January 49 Donald C. Meyers, June 57 Virginia Lee (Koch) Calton, June 42 Shirley (Shaw) Berg, January 39 Lorraine M. Wildermuth, June 38 Roy Hellon, June 69 Ann (Tumbarello) Brotherton, January 55 Phone: 914-376-8118 Fax: 914-793-4481. Joan Kathleen (McMenamy) Champion, June 52 Jesse Lowe, January 50 6941 N. Central St Portland , OR 97203 Ph (503) 916-5260 Fx (503) 916-2704. Dolores A. Rossi, January 48 WebRoosevelt also claimed to rescue the banking system in order to prevent it from becoming corrupt. Willie Mae (Barger) Badolato, August 56 Judith Rae (Maurer) Nagy, June 57 William Kaeser, June 48 Norma (Pentland) Schwarz, June 52 (Mayhill) Dame, June 52 Carol J. Nada (Djikanovic) Watkins, June 75 Mary Jo (Voigt) Massie, January 51 Marjorie (Griesbaum) Kalhorn, June 45 Georgia Lorraine (Nicol) Mangrum, January 41 Michael Rinaldi, June 55 James Dale Clayton , January 52 Sarah Mead, June 47 Timothy Dwyer, June 69 Robert W. Kuelper, January 38 WebHalf-Day Elementary Students: Parent Teacher Conferences. Roy Duggan, June 41 June (Schmidt) Rafferty, June 47 Raymond J. Brodzinski, June 47 Arthur L Huskey, June 52 Nancy (Brown) Nienhauser, June 33 Earl Dill, June 46 Walter Rothermel, June 53 Muriel F. (Busdiecker) Dohr, June 41 Robert Haldiman, June 44 Kim (Belleville) Welch, June 75 John Poor, June 66 The New Jersey State Police and dozens of firefighters were drawn to the scene of the home on Cedar Court in Roosevelt Borough Wednesday morning. James (Jim) R. OBrien, June 48 George Hopkins, January 56 Rial E. Rolfe , June 43 Pamela A. Mary Alexander, June 48 Arthur Allan Kiburz, June 52 Audrey (Bergeron) Scheidker, June 35 Suzanne (ORourke) Nasland, June 57 Fred Otto Rottler, June 47 Lloyd J. Kraatz, June 56 Elmer Fred Biermann, Jr., January 52 Jerry Thomas Weldon, June 56 Fred Bedrosian, June 57 Gus Mantia, June 44 Katherine Amelia (Kieffer) Paul, June 39 Charles Drebes, June 47 Georgia L. (Harris) Fletcher, June 61 Darrell W. Mays, June 74 Raymond Maurer, January 51 Garry Hedrick, January 60 Judith Ellen (Zagel) Metcalf, January 51 Lester J. Higginbotham, January 44 His career would span over 40 years with the Los Robert A. Zimmemann, June 43 Lola (Joiner) Rollins, June 54 Social Studies and Health Teacher Roosevelt High School. Jeanette C. (Bachmann) Bess, January 52 Walter Johnson, January 54 Ardith (Solomon) Sartin, January 54 John Odak, June 78 Charlene Parks, June 48 nicole curtis net worth 2020. Brenda J. Butler, June 68 Stan Perovich, January 61 Roy C. Williams, 1971 Lorraine Edna (Baisch) Miller, January 43 William F. Burnett, January 48 Henry E. Rosemead, 1970 Robert Montgomery, June 77 Charmaine D. Hopmann, June 74 Richard Carl Hurston, June 64 Patricia R. (Demick) Evans, January 50 William F. Uthoff, June 55 Leo Louis Piper, III, 1971 Patricia R. (Clark) Duban, June 58 Anna (Manglis) Cassimatis, June 41 Wendy DiAlesandro is a former Record Publishing Co. reporter and contributing writer for The Portager. Mary Lee (Robertson) Chastain, June 64 Frank Yaeger, June 51 Eugene M. Sutherlin, June 60 Jerrold Coombs, June 54 Joseph Paul, January 52 Mary Frances (Schmitz) Campbell, June 49 Donald Scruggs, January 51 Ruth Schneider, June 57 Rachelle G. (Kohner) Killen, June 52 Frederick John, MD Ludwig, January 46 Kathleen J. Handshy, June 67 Harry Rothweiler, January 50 Christian W. Eichenlaub, January 43 Jerry Walter McElroy, January 56 James W. Bryant, January 50 Mary Jane (Brown) Monnig, June 39 Kenneth Sweeney, June 43 Albert E. Schoenbeck, June 31 Wykena W. McCloud, June 93 Jeannine M. Bieger, June 48 Paul J. Jr. Katz, January 51 Tim Gutweiler, June 69 Robert Bentrup , June 48 Jean Ulreich, June 72 (Gene) (Linn) Manzo, June 45 Robert F. Smylie, June 47 Eugene E., Jr. Brucker, June 45 Tom Henry, June 51 Sue (Skeel) Starr, January 54 Web1925-1929 (back to top) Fern (Grossenheider) de Greeff, June 25 Maxine (Demmler) Schmidt, June 25 Eugene A. Bokern, January 26 Robert Stolz, January 26 Daniel Heede, June 68 Sharon Ann (Miller) Bowler, June 72 Wolf, June 42 Martin Harry Zuniga, June 66 Gary Chastain, June 64 Horace E. Allen, Jr., January 52 Andy L. Farnbach, June 60 Ray J. Crouch, June 41 Maureen Mae (Johnson) Busch, June 50 Elaine G. (Van Nest) Temper, June 61 Gerald V. (Jerry) Keller, January 46 Robert J. DeHekker, January 46 Academics. Frederick J. Eccher, January 44 Herbert Franklin Amrhein, June 66 According to state test scores, 48% of students are at least proficient in math and 75% in reading. (Abell) Ullrich, June 48 Dale Lift, June 48 Robert E. Larcom, June 51 Patrick Zarrick, June 48 Joanna Zarrick, June 51 Henry Fredericks, June 43 Carl Weber, June 26 Geneva (Milster) Nagata, June 48 Jerry Smith, June 57 Annalee (Dill) McMahon, June 43 Doris (Herman) Cooke, January 58 Roger L. Seers, 1971 Alex J., Jr. Schmitz, January 46 Dr. Larry M. (Pete) Link, January 51 Bernice (Martin) Lindner, June 41 Your inquiry there may be addressed to the website or to David Link at (314) 239-4563 or E. Donald Gornet, June 47 Anna (Gross) Roshkee, June 44 Audrey E. Hirth, June 49 Vernon S. Eckert, June 50 Kathleen (Kay) E. (Schulz) Brendel, January 61 Robert Wolf, June 54 Patricia Ellen (Vardell) Aeschbach, June 60 Johnny McNeill, January 54 Shirley (Eckles) LaPoint, June 44 Margaret (Leach) Stuetz, June 50 Eleanor died on November 7, 1962, in New York City from aplastic anemia, tuberculosis, and heart failure. Rudolph Bossert, June 59 William Schuh, June 43 Raymond Scheid, January 50 Earl Boren, June 59 Erwin A. Roesel, June 60 Raymond J. Marti, June 52 Lilly Jane (Leitner) Johnson, January 59 Elizabeth Vit, June 65 Angelo Leara, June 54 Russell Sutter, June 43 Norma (Schaefer) Bahr, June 48 Lionel Moore, January 57 Jerry Brooks Abernathy, June 62 Robert (Bob) Richters, June 43 Thomas W. Barnes, June 81 Sharon Sue (Bracken) Klusman, January 66 Robert Hawkins, January 58 Jane Ratz, June 33 Jeanette (Limmer) Wegener, June 51 Eleanora Martha (Pralle) Schneider, June 30 Jerry X. Verdin, June 60 Virginia Rose (Theodosis) Berlotti, January 43 Fred Clark Lamontagne, June 61 Barbara Rainwater, 1971 Raymond G. Reagan, June 60 Shirley (Oliver) Car, June 54 Audrey (Lodge) Oeschle, June 54 George W. (Bill) Yuede, January 47 Armand, Jr. Herbert, June 47 Walter Barrow, June 42 Douglas L. Hall, 1971 Carol J. Richard Ault, June 44 Robert E. Lutz, June 45 Ronald Edward Smelik, June 57 Doris R. Ameiss, June 48 Russell J. Hart, June 33 Jules Orabka, June 33 William Dupree, June 47 Robert Paul Goldstein, June 49 Margaret Lorraine (Spies) Ellis, January 40 Harry Charles Allen, June 46 (Ittel) Marting, January 48 Lois (Smith) Brunner, June 50 LaVerne M. (Guzy) Valenti, June 47 Julius, Jr Lehnbeuter, June 44 Renee (Huddleston) Ulrich, 1971 Carol (Witte) Schulz, June 55 Norman Williams, January 44 Thomas Edward Stuetzer, June 74 Sharon E. Carmody, June 56 Estelle Ruth (Ruesing) Huber, June 43 Dale Odom, January 60 Maurice W. Hartenberger, June 51 Frederick Zweig, June 37 Edward G. Gray, June 55 James Josef, January 49 Norma Schellenberg, June 45 Jerry Anne (Voss) Janssen, June 52 Wilma (Dees) Foster, January 45 John (Jack) W. Fitch, January 39 Vivian (Tobin) Siegel, January 46 Dale Leroy Tooloose, June 53 Ray Pappenberg, June 57 Henry George Giessenbier, June 44 Steven Sunkel, January 48 Tom Wodraska, June 48 Marilyn Ann (Goeddel) Tefft, June 64 Melvin Brase, June 44 Gloria V. (Grafe) Krimmel, January 41 Kristy (Ferrell) Deganhardt, 1971 Jerry Wolf, June 57 Bonnie Jean (Wyckoff) Roberts, January 53 Sandra Caye (Roberson) Aiello, June 64 Carol (Slankard) Berger, June 56 Rebecca Becky McCrary, June 70 Georgann (Briesacher) Middleton, January 52 Glenn Arthur Meyerose, June 54 Anita Margaret (Wiegand) Jablonski, January 50 Robert Newsom, June 47 Mildred (Smitt) Schuessler, January 44 C. Donald Johns, June 54 Lois R. (Guenther) Kohlmeier, June 52 Helen (Sandoxis) Scholl, June 51 Carolyn (Hartrup) Mouser, June 66 Kay F. (Lambert) Graham, June 51 Molly Ann (Koffman) Lamers, June 51 Shirley R. (Goodhart) Lawler, January 48 Ruth (Andrews) Conway, January 32 Patricia R. (Moske) Sax, January 52 Diana Jean (Rogers) Frank, June 56 Harry J. Mumm, June 38 Helen (Shuplak) Magac, June 41 When the law enforcement came to the building, staff showed them 18-year-old Clara Rubin, January 47 Patsy R. (Sutherland) Smith, June 55 Peggy St. John, June 41 Charles Jerome Jerry Marlen M.D., January 56 William O. Higgins, January 48 Helen (Wiwczaroski) Wagner, June 52 Dolores (Halblaub) Hatcher-Young, June 46 Mary Helen (Hixson) Richter, June 60 Carolyn (Cox) Jacob, January 55 Dave Treloggen, June 69 Phyllis Irene (Wallace) Sansone, June 49 Roosevelt High School is a highly rated, public school located in SIOUX FALLS, SD. Patricia McHugh, June 51 Allen George Fussner, June 66 Ilene (McClure) Mead, June 74 (Johnson) Pisors, June 72 Donald Lee Abeln, June 54 Sandra (Demper) Anderson, January 58 Milton J. Kessler, June 40 Thomas Stieren, June 51 Mary (Govoro) Siener, January 50 Len Masidonski, 1971 John (Jack) Kennett Richardson, June 44 William Price, January 59 Ruth (Stengel) Burgeois, June 41 Robert F. Lasater, June 49 Mary Ellen (Nolte) Kirby, June 41 Judy (Zengel) Hahn, 1970 Heinz Gros, June 46 Donald Dey, January 55 Frank R. Tiff, January 50 Arline Miller, June 42 Joan (Missey) Germer, June 44 Brenda Sue McClaine, June 74 Roosevelt High School - Early College Studies. Peggy J. Patricia L. (Linn) Samel, January 42 Richard H. Hagler, June 65 Harold Paul Struessel, June 47 Eugene Oehlert, June 48

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roosevelt high school teacher death