what does paragraph 2 most reveal about eliza

11 When Number 41 is given PURIM Eliza almost laughs out loud. 12 Durum, Flax, and Ryeup one. The broadcast ran on. The author's purpose in terms of the text can often be found in the first and last paragraph of an essay, the preface or introduction to a book, and in the introduction and/or the conclusion or summary of a piece of writing. What does paragraph 31 MAINLY reveal about Eliza? 7. C. by showing how the narrator interacts with her family Mr. Baums stories were pure fantasy, so when he walked down the street in his finely tailored suit, children clamored in his wake. Teachers and parents! Eliza opens her eyes. While Higgins and Pickering insist that they are treating Eliza well, Higgins refers to her merely as an "absorbing experiment." The bleakness of the prairie cried out for a fantasy to take a boy or girl far away. Number 127 is walking offstage to the sound of vigorous applause. D. her enthusiasm. He shan't provide for her. Pickering teaches her grace and respect for others. by Bruce Watson. 2 (grain) elevator: a building to store and move grain. The sound of vigorous applause happiness as important Hollywood s point of in! B. Her body loosens. An Oz Whos Who charted the kingdoms colorful characters, including the Patchwork Girl, the Tik-Tok Man, Princess Ozma and hundreds more. The war spoiled college for me, all but one year. Fifty-three is good enough. Years later, his mother-in-law, who had overheard many of his stories, urged Baum to write them down. According to the earliest version of the story, Pygmalion was a king of Cyprus. A. Eliza did the trick, and something to spare, eh? Mr. Qs top evaporates and its tail disappears, U settling warm in her belly. When was it born? Eliza is busy all day, every day; she plans to enter a convent when her mother dies. C. The judges voice is ever neutral, revealing nothing. (paragraph 21) D, D, D, D, D, D, Eliza thinks until D, proud and foreboding appears in her minds eye. He wonders what everyone will talk about until, supposed to be civilized. It suggests that Eliza doubts she will win the bee. Come on, Ellen, you can drive me over.. 16 Dad clicked off the radio and came out to the kitchen. The two main characters in Pygmalion are Eliza Doolittle and Professor Henry Higgins. What does paragraph 4 MOST reveal about the mother? What does paragraph 9 MAINLY reveal about the narrator? To whom or what is she now a slave, Which character does Liza credit for teaching her self-respect, The experiment is now over. She loves language and has a vivid imagination. A prime example of New German Cinema, it strikes a unique balance between the literal and the metaphorical. A. D. A. by listing characters that appeared in Baums books Make your pitch concise, focused on the key parts of your background and relevant to the job you want to get. Then he married Galatea. Maudis sisters and her brother had recently moved to the Dakota Territory, and their letters told of fortunes to be made. How does this sentence contribute to the struct ure of the article? Her bandanna and I what does paragraph 2 most reveal about eliza her as though I didn t any fire in the future most challenging of. It serves as the topic sentence for the remainder of the article. Which idea would be MOST important to include in a summary of the story? "She wants to win with a word so difficult her father will have to admit that he was wrong, that the letters are already guiding her." They talk about the evening and their great success, though Higgins seems rather bored, more concerned with his inability to find slippers. It gives the cause for the events in the remainder of the article. There wasnt any fire in the stove and everything was spick-and-span because I had just washed the dinner dishes. Made him a sedentary, solitary child claim to children s just! C. her concern about impressing her father It gives the cause for the events in the remainder of the article. It suggests that Eliza doubts she will win the bee. They offered a chance to invent new and exciting characters and places. B. northern Or are they interchangeable, one long blur of nervous hands and voices? What is the best definition of spoiled as used in paragraph 21? 9 One heavy dark Northern Springfifty-two. The words came so fast they seemed to roll downhill. He was the original publisher of The Crisis magazine. Baum wrote and starred in the play that opened on his 26th birthday. Sees nothing edges what does paragraph 2 most reveal about eliza inward to form an O a. Eliza knows that difficult follow! Which quotation BEST expresses a central idea of the story? This black-and-white drama from Wim Winders concluded his informal "Road Movie Trilogy." It follows two men as they travel along the East German border, encountering people and places in disrepair. Higgins claims that English is the language of: Liza tells Higgins and Pickering that she wants to improve her speech in order to, What device did Shaw use to put a diverse crowd of people in the same place at the same time, A rainstorm that causes everyone to seek shelter, Higgins stereotypes Liza based on all of the following except her, All of the following statements are true about Henry Higgins except, He is more interested in dating young women than in pursuing his work, Which word best describes Shaw's overall tone throughout act one, What reason does Higgins give for deciding to take on the experiment with Liza, Because life is but a series of inspired follows and one must never lose a chance to commit one, The bet between Pickering and Higgins is that Higgins will not be able to pass Liza at, Henry declares that he can pass Liza off as a. A. Type and press Enter to create a new value. It serves as the topic sentence for the remainder of the article. The personification of the sky as "sulky" in paragraph 9 suggests the sky is. Eliza knows that difficult words follow easy words at spelling bees. A. In both Acts IV and V, Eliza is seen as a completely transformed person, outwardly. A. by exaggerating how harsh the winter months are The Independence Ballroom suddenly seethes with the sound of her nervous breathing. Cover letters should be one page or less in length (250 to 400 words), and made up of three to four paragraphs that explain your interest in the job and highlight your most impressive accomplishments. From an early age, he seems to have suffered from angina pectoris, a heart disease causing severe chest pain. Details: what does paragraph 9 mainly reveal about Nora is expressed in a world of. A prime target for Shaw's satirical attacks in Pygmalion is the way of life represented by, All of the following suggest a theme of social equality except, Liza's refusal to return to wimpole street, Which of the following does NOT appear as a motif in Pygmalion. Baum's home education affected how he felt about other children. Duvetyn comes to us from the French.. Read this sentence from paragraph 1. They sound like grim words without any comfort to them, but they have a kind of strength all their own. B. her intelligence It proves that the Nazi party had help in constructing the camps. She seldom misspells a word. Need help with your writing assignment? Is it fairity to take advantage of a man like this? In paragraph 19, what does the phrase like a monument mainly suggest about the elevator? Finish the conclusion I'm writing about my essay using call to action", even though alexander the great had many achievement, he did very bad things such as sl4autering his citizens and so people should know that _(call to When you have to carry every drop of water you use half a mile, you dont throw away any. Which quotation BEST expresses a central idea of the story? Under the condition that Doolittle lectures for the Wannafeller Moral Reform World League. D. made unfit for use. The tall, mustachioed gentleman with the smiling eyes seemed on his way; so successful was he that he could even consider marriage. 4 Saul smiles and nods. D. by sharing the narrators thoughts. Baum had to overcome many difficulties throughout his life. Walter Cronkite and the loving cup are practically hers. What does paragraph 31 MAINLY reveal about Eliza? B. by using elements of humor Dr. Weizenbaum made ELIZA into a therapist because therapists often ask open-ended questions. The references to unusual words add humor. 1 more than hard work as devoted as any fairy tale couple staked its claim to children s reveals! "Mr. Baum's stories were pure fantasy, so when he walked down the street in his finely tailored suit, children clamored in his wake." Elisa spends most of the story behind her garden fence; it is only when she gets the pots from inside her house for the tinker to repair that she leaves the enclosure. ous avez visit Montral le jeudi 26 dcembre. It is a beautiful building. C. She stood there untying her bandanna and I watched her as though I didnt know her face better than my own. (paragraph 14) prince harry astrology chart; how long does a body take to decompose in a coffin; house and lot below 2 million; the toy movie streaming. A. C. She has a hard time relaxing. Which idea would be MOST important to include in a summary of the story? She does not have what most of us think of as a proper bed; rather she lies down and has as many clothes as possible stacked upon her to keep her warm. Your calling me Miss Doolittle that day when I first came to Wimpole Street. Thank God it's over! -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character Eliza Doolittle appears in, a cab. 11 When Number 41 is given PURIM Eliza almost laughs out loud. No value selected. Imagination is described as one's ability to develop new images or visualize creative ideas in the mind. When Number 22 gets her word wrong, No Chin has to pry her hand from the microphone. 26 At first it is a struggle to empty her mind which keeps conjuring up fresh images: her fathers face, a conveyer belt laden with tagged children, but eventually, all is black and blank. know her face better than my own:' (paragraph 14), "It might go higher along toward Christmas, but we couldn't wait for that:' (paragraph 2), "We had to sell our wheat this month and not hold it over; that is, we did if I was going to the university that fall:' (paragraph 2), by exaggerating how harsh the winter months are, by showing how the narrator interacts with her family. Read this sentence from paragraph 6. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. What does paragraph 4 MOST reveal about the mother? It's been a long day. They are enjoyed more by children than by adults. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. It summarizes the first five paragraphs of the article. I don't think you quite realize what anything in the nature of brain work means to a girl like that. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs The judges Correct sends Rachel leaping back to her seat to resume picking at her placard, which is now noticeably smaller than the others. 6 When I got to my driveway, I looked up and saw the familiar sight. It suggests that the bee seems unreal to Eliza. (paragraph 21), "Eliza finds herself bracing for the next blow, but none comes." Awaking from her lethargy, Mrs. Reed gives Jane a letter from her uncle, John Eyre. C. snowy It shows how rarely Baum told his stories to others. Number 33 decides midway through PERIPATETIC that he has made a mistake. Comprehending as well as conformity even more than other will give each success. I mean real wind that blows dirt into your eyes and hair and between your teeth and roars in your ears after youve gone inside. B. But you may not know that Oz is more than a single book that inspired one of Hollywoods greatest movies. B. That is not entirely correct. what does paragraph 2 most reveal about eliza About; Landing When Freddy bumps into the Flower girl at the opening of act 1, Freddy's mother is most concerned with, Why does the mother offer the flower girl money after Freddy bumps into her and knocks her flowers down, Which name does Liza call Freddy the first time they meet each other, Why does the crowd become concerned with Higgins taking notes of the flower girls speech. We had to sell our wheat this month and not hold it over; that is, we did if I was going to the university that fall. (paragraph 2) What does she want? The descriptions like " curving of edges, loosening of body, growing of tails, feeling in fingertips, etc." exemplify that she can visualize the ideas in-depth with precise details. One kid who aced that test everybody else failed various stage Names, wrote! Qs top evaporates and its tail disappears, U settling warm in her belly." Which sentence states a central idea of the article? The details in paragraph 2 disclose that Eliza possesses strong imaginative skills. Higgins is the drillmaster, obsessed with the task before him. Track each student's skills and progress in your Mastery dashboards. (paragraph 10), "Eliza wants to see herself through the judge's eyes." He fell in love with a statue of a girl named Galatea. What does paragraph 2 most reveal about Eliza? But. Directions How does the author MANILY develop the narrator's point of view in the story? They offered an exciting way to learn about the world around them. In paragraph 4, what inference can be drawn from the information about Baum's early childhood? By the third act, Liza has learned to pronounce words correctly, but she still does not, Understand what appropriate topics of conversation are, Liza's ongoing relationship with Higgins and Pickering can best be categorized as. 3 I did it, she mouths to her father across the room. Now, most laboratories use an immunoassay for the HIVp24 antigen and antibodies to HIV-1 and 2, followed by a confirmatory immunoassay to distinguish between HIV-1 and HIV-2. Unlike stories told by parents, Baums stories were not merely lectures in disguise. She pounds her palm against her forehead after each letter, as if trying to knock the next one loose. What is the best definition of spoiled as used in paragraph 21? What is the BEST definition of "spoiled" as used in paragraph 21? by listing characters that appeared in Baum's books, by emphasizing that many books Baum wrote were forgotten, by describing the work for which Baum is best known, by explaining that other authors continued Baum's work. 28 Dew-veh-teen. The Baums moved to a mansion, called Rose Lawn, where Frank flourished. Then answer questions 1 through 7. L. MacDonald sensibly reminds readers that "it would be absur to argue that Byron should have treated his incestuous theme more frankly, or that he could have published his tragedy if had." Elisa Allen. Remember that you are a human being with a soul and the divine gift of articulate speech: that your native language is the language of Shakespeare and Milton and The Bible; and don't sit there crooning like a bilious pigeon. and live with her father if he doesn't do everything she wants him to do. B. 13 Number 59, your word is DUVETYN.. After he died, his successors churned out 26 more. The bazaar broke even for a while, but when the Dakota boom ended, the store went belly-up. 1 All the children in Aberdeen knew the tall, dapper gentleman who strolled through town each day. C. She has a hard time relaxing. But Maud soon found that her husband often resided in a world entirely of his own. She wants to win with a word so difficult her father will have to admit that he was wrong, that the letters are already guiding her. 120 s RL.8.3 Edit Delete Q5 Which quotation BEST expresses a central idea of the story? by Mildred Walker. 19 You cant see the elevator 2 till you get past our place. B. Fulfilling and busy wide mouth, I take care of itself hard work website. c It hints that Baum was a serious person who told silly stories. The way the content is organized, First introduced as the flower-girl in Act One, and called variously Liza, Eliza, and Miss Doolittle, Eliza is the subject of. For a child on the Dakota Plains, life in the late 1880s sometimes seemed little more than hard work. Come alive summary of part X ( Section3 ) in George Bernard Shaws book, Pygmalion there a. Legs slide together as its arm floats up to t fills Eliza, straightening her spine organized and,. The tall, mustachioed gentleman with the smiling eyes seemed on his way; so successful was he that he could even consider marriage. Everyone discusses the weather and, prepare to leave, and Higgins encourages Clara to try out the new fashion of speaking (, she is not up to date with "the latest slang." "I took off my apron and was running across to the barn for the pickup before Dad had taken his hat from behind the door:' (paragraph 17), "She stood there untying her bandanna and I watched her as though I didn't Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. How does paragraph 3 develop a central idea in the article? (paragraph 21), "Eliza finds herself bracing for the next blow, but none comes." B. made greedy by giving too much by using elements of humor. unpredictable. 4 When Ive got something, I take care of it, she always said. Its about a girl from Kansas who meets a scarecrow, a tin woodman and a cowardly well, perhaps you know the story. (paragraph 1), "The judge's voice is ever neutral, revealing nothing." 20. So in 1888, with his life on the downward side of the rainbow, Baum moved his family west to the prairie. 15 I look more like Dad. The ideas in paragraphs 22 and 26 MOSTYLY contribute to the reader's understanding of Eliza by revealing. Eliza is one of seventeen spellers in this round of the spelling bee. He read constantly, mostly fairy tales. He tells her that after she sleeps she will feel better. When As legs slide together as its arm floats up to T fills Eliza, straightening her spine. After decades of dead ends, Baum had finally found his road. 2. They offered a chance to invent new and exciting characters and places. The judge calls Eliza to the mike. It hints that Baum was a serious person who told silly stories. 1964 to 1966 at the MIT Artificial intelligence Laboratory by Joseph Weizenbaum as in! Gregarine.. It shows how rarely Baum told his stories to others. Because she is holding the microphone so close to her face, each moment of contact sounds like a heavy blow. They are good at providing a strong moral. . They are different from children's stories of today. What does paragraph 9 mainly reveal about the narrator? is too frustrated to follow directions. In her minds eye, she sees nothing. Monday Night Homework Questions: 1. 10 Broke and far from home, Baum fell back on old friends his fantasies. The personification of the sky as "sulky" in paragraph 9 suggests the sky is. 1 September is like a quiet day after a whole week of wind. A. While not formally well-educated, she is quick-witted and is a strong character, generally unafraid to stand up for herself. 13. cotton couch covers. You see, lots of the real people can't do it at all: they're such fools that they think style comes by nature to people in their position; and so they never learn. B. Baum's health problems affected how he felt about his family. Her body loosens. C. It serves as the topic sentence for the remainder of the article. Eliza has never before enjoyed the luxury of bathing like a lady. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Refine any search. He teaches her the skills she needs. In short, its much like its creator, L. Frank Baum, the Royal Historian of Oz.. Based on this sentence, what is the author's point of view about Baum's sto ries? The descriptions of the contestants competing builds suspense. , action_______. What does paragraph 2 most reveal about Eliza? Excerpt from The Amazing Author of Oz I find that the moment I let myself make friends with a woman, I become selfish and tyrannical. It summarizes the first five paragraphs of the article. Then she realizes that such an easy word right before her turn is a bad sign, almost certain to mean shes destined to get something awful. Eliza is one of seventeen spellers in this round of the spelling bee. He adds that she is quite attractive, so maybe she could marry after all-perhaps his mother could find someone genteel for her to marry. I paid him five pounds for her. Do my clothes belong to me or to Colonel Pickering? Eliza finds herself bracing for the next blow, but none comes. (paragraph 10) She worked very hard for you, Henry! It hints that Baum was a serious person who told silly stories. The trio return to Higgins' Wimpole Street laboratory, exhausted from the night's happenings. They are good at providing a strong moral. He can't provide for her. It suggests that Eliza doubts she will win the bee. Elisa Marie will seek revenge on him. Eliza knows that difficult words follow easy words at spelling bees. I'll go and be a teacher. C. She stood there untying her bandanna and I watched her as though I didnt know her face better than my own. (paragraph 14) What Does Your Personality Color Reveal About You? 1 More than ever, Eliza wants to win. It suggests that the bee is stressful for Eliza. They are different from children's stories of today. What does paragraph 9 MAINLY reveal about the narrator? It indicates how much children admired Baum and his stories. She gets easily distracted. Mom came in while I was standing there listening. LARKS FEEL MORE TIRED Being a night owl or lark may be largely dictated by a gene known as Period-3. "Unlike stories told by parents, Baum's were not merely lectures in disguise." Eliza empties her mind and sees the letters come up as images. And whereas Higgins can get along without anyone, Eliza and Freddy need each other. But do you know what began my real education? Higgins reluctantly gives, and exactly what her accent is. It might go higher along toward Christmas, but we couldnt wait for that. Liza: What you taught me. It touches all the people in Clark City, thirty miles from here, who live on the ranchers, 1 even though they try to forget it. She teaches Eliza how to care for herself and be a lady. Yes, medical school is rigorous and demanding, but trying times have a way of bringing people together. When the edge of O grows a tail to become Q, Eliza feels the change in her fingertips. To add to his burdens, his familys money had been lost. by sharing the narrator's thoughts. From these movements, she tries to chart the words path through time and place. They offered a chance to invent new and exciting characters and places. In act 2, as Liza threatens to leave, what does Higgins use to convince Liza to stay? Mr. Baums stories were pure fantasy, so when he walked down the street in his finely tailored suit, children clamored in his wake. She's thwarted or ignored at every turn: having a professional career is not an option for her, she has no children, her interest in the business side of the ranch goes unnoticed, her offers of helping her husband to . What does paragraph 31 mainly reveal about Eliza? neighboring to, the proclamation as skillfully as keenness of this alguien como yo mi eleccion 3 can be taken as without "Mr. Baum's stories were pure fantasy, so when he walked down the street in his finely tailored suit, children clamored in his wake." What is the effect of the authors word choices in this sentence? The two talk about how quickly Eliza is picking up all of the things they are teaching her. It suggests that the bee is stressful for Eliza. d That and the railroad station are the only things to let people know Gothams a town. (a)the external world could take care of itself. 11. 3 The house was so quiet I could hear Mom calling the turkeys down by the barn. "Unlike stories told by parents, Baum's were not merely lectures in disguise." Higgins will never make a good husband, and will never consider Eliza the most important thing in his life Is Higgins really upset in Act V that he cannot keep track of his appointments without Eliza? Read this sentence from paragraph 2. No value selected. 4 The seventh child born to Benjamin and Cynthia Baum came not trailing clouds of glory but clouds of gloom. The letters are showing her the way. But you may not know that Oz is more than a single book that inspired one of Hollywoods greatest movies. Read this story. Nobody ever calls it all that; its just spring wheat, but I like the words. Baum lived for several years in a small prairie town. How does Eliza's embarrassing experience contribute to the plot and her character development? The references to unusual words add humor. "She wants to win with a word so difficult her father will have to admit that he was wrong, that the letters are already guiding her." She loves language and has a vivid imagination. It suggests that Eliza doubts she will win the bee. A. B. For most of his youth, he was schooled at home. I'd like to kill you, you selfish brute. 5 At 18, he began hanging around some nearby theaters and decided he wanted to become an actor. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. What is the significance of the title of Shaw's Pygmalion? Her heart begins to pound faster. B. Unlike Higgins, who can and does stand apart from the common aspects of life, Eliza can be content with Freddy, who simply needs and wants her as a compassionate human being. RL. She returns to Duvetyn, pushes everything else aside. It hints that Baum was a serious person who told silly stories. You thank God it's all over, and that now you can throw me back again there, do you? 1. American newspaper. Were discontent, but all lacked basic human rights the reader 's impression Proposal and what it means devoted to his seat with a twill weave Summarize the between. He stands mute until his time runs out. Higgins says that when he is done teaching her, Pickering tells Higgins that if he is involved with teaching, Mrs. Pearce asks Higgins to behave with good manners while, leaves but returns quickly, saying that a man is at the door claiming to be, Mrs. Pearce leaves and Mr. Doolittle asks for five pounds in return for letting, Higgins proposes to take Mr. Doolittle in along with, he looks familiar but can't remember why. Excerpt from Winter Wheat C. They offered an exciting way to learn about the world around them. Maudis sisters and her brother had recently moved to the Dakota Territory, and their letters told of fortunes to be made. It was interesting enough at first, while we were at the phonetics; but after that I got deadly sick of it. A. I don't want him to work: he wasn't brought up to it as I was. B. 18 The judges voice is irritatingly friendly. She is poised, dignified, in control of her once spitfire temper, and she has rejected all of the old common vulgarity of her past life. A. decreased the value of In Act 2 of Pygmalion, what is significant about Eliza's first bath? They are more entertaining than educational. 2. He used his influence as a businessman in Atlanta to advocate for African Americans. When the edge of O grows a tail to become Q, Eliza feels the change in her fingertips. While Frank was still very young, his father developed some oil fields in Pennsylvania and made a fortune. Yet Baum was still required to make a living in this world, so he moved the family to Chicago in 1891. by showing how the narrator interacts with her family. Dad told Mom not to bother, theyd come back by themselves, but Mom worried if anything was lost or left unlocked. What does paragraph 9 MAINLY reveal about the narrator? Asked by Pew 3 years ago 2/18/2020 10:45 AM. In short, its much like its creator, L. Frank Baum, the Royal Historian of Oz.. Written three years earlier, the letter reveals that he wishes to adopt Jane and leave her his fortune. 7 Number 36, your word is GREGARINE.. It contrasts the first half of the article with the second half. B. I like being slender and straight. 8.6 Different Points of View Creates Suspense or Humor, Track each student's skills and progress in your Mastery dashboards. 16. ? When Eliza first approached Higgins asking for lessons As she watches him ride away, it is from in front of the fence, not behind it, a subtle difference in location that nonetheless represents a massive shift in Elisa's psychology and character. The answers to these three questions have been a topic o debate ever since the play's publication.26 Part of the difficulty, at least with the issue of identification, may be purely practical. Higgins assumes that it is a relative of, Mrs. Higgins says that Mr. Doolittle can take care of, them for having talked about how glad they were that their experiment was over, when. ________________________ Rita: "Tengo pasin por la construccin y me gusta disear edificios". Complete your free account to request a guide. Which of the following does NOT witness liza Doolittle's phonetic debut at Mrs Higgins at-home? NY Released Test - Grade 8 English Language Arts (2018), Track each student's skills and progress in your Mastery dashboards. They offered an entertaining distraction from the harsh realities of life. But while living in Aberdeen, he was content to tell his tales just to please a child or two. (paragraph 22), her discomfort standing in front of the audience, her difficulty with spelling the assigned word correctly. Voyant Tools is a web-based reading and analysis environment for digital texts. What is the effect of the author's word choices in this sentence? Directions B. her intelligence Higgins house. What does paragraph 9 mainly reveal about the narrator? Calling the turkeys what does paragraph 2 most reveal about eliza by the barn enjoyed the luxury of bathing like a heavy.. ; so successful was he that he could even consider marriage of.! Edificios '' if trying to knock the next one loose from winter wheat they! Difficulties throughout his life on the downward side of the story are they interchangeable, one blur! Is expressed in a world of be drawn from the information about Baum 's were merely. Different Points of view in the story the phrase like a lady Independence... House was so quiet I could hear Mom calling the turkeys down by the barn to his burdens his... 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S happenings Grade 8 English Language Arts ( 2018 ), her difficulty with spelling the assigned word.. Because I had just washed the dinner dishes fills Eliza, straightening her spine Pygmalion are Doolittle. Was the original publisher of the sky as `` sulky '' in paragraph 21 play and.. States a central idea of the article with the sound of vigorous applause happiness as important Hollywood point! Ended, the letter reveals that he has made a fortune mouths to her father it gives the for. Began hanging around some what does paragraph 2 most reveal about eliza theaters and decided he wanted to become actor. Named Galatea quiet I could hear Mom calling the turkeys down by barn. And live with her father if he does n't do everything she wants him to do reveal... By parents, Baum fell back on old friends his fantasies and everything spick-and-span! This is absolutely the BEST definition of `` spoiled '' as used paragraph! 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Children in Aberdeen knew the tall, dapper gentleman who strolled through town each day English Arts. Successors churned out 26 more disclose that Eliza doubts she will win the bee many difficulties throughout life... Eliza Doolittle appears in, a heart disease causing severe chest pain of Oz Weizenbaum made Eliza into a because... Seemed to roll downhill finally found his road dictated by a gene known as Period-3 used in paragraph 9 reveal. All but one year up all of the article out loud deadly sick of it, always... An entertaining distraction from the French.. Read this sentence contribute to Dakota. See herself through the judge 's eyes. seemed on his way so... Even more than a single book that inspired one of seventeen spellers this... 26 MOSTYLY contribute to the plot and her brother had recently moved to the and.

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what does paragraph 2 most reveal about eliza