does alaric become headmaster again

Alaric receives an impromptu visit from Dorian, who was called by Josie. Unknown to her, it was Damon's blood. Later Damon needed Alaric to enter a cave in which he can't enter. The next day, still aggravated over the brawl at the football game and Hope's use of dark magic, Alaric sentenced the entire football team plus Hope to community service in town despite strong protests from each of them. Ric told her that he was over it. Jen denies that she can. In Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found, MG finds Alaric on the floor. That night, Alaric packs up his Jeep, but not before being stopped by Hope. He goes to Carol Lockwood and Elizabeth Forbes, to convince them that the council needs to be watching out for the humans of Mystic Falls, since despite some of the vampires and werewolves being family and friends, they were still dangerous. The trio tracked Landon into the woods and stumbled across a mysterious mute woman with singed clothing; they presume she's a survivor from the bus incident. The illusion never lasts and she reminds Cleo that friends do; that they're real and have come to save her. Hope knows this because she's the one who put him in that position. Georgie tells Alaric to clear his mind as she puts on a blindfold and ear muffs on him. Alaric and Hope track the creature to the Town Centre, and are able to kill it, although it turns out to be a cyclops, not a troll as they initially thought. The two hug and she departs the school for good. Fully resolved, Alaric addressed the students and staff, informing them about the knife, the new brand of supernatural creatures that were appearing, and the danger they now faced and warned them that as of that moment, they were more than just a school, they were family. Hope argues with Alaric in his office, believing he's out of his mind. In a way, she was right. Alaric finds Matt out on the back patio drinking straight from the bottle of liquor he stole. Alaric spins the conversation back to her. Alaric asks why Dorian did not vote for him to remain in his position, however Dorian dismisses him, not wanting to engage in an argument. One night, he returned home late to find a vampire in his bedroom drinking Isobel's blood. She later attempts to call her parents, before Alaric interrupts her, telling her that it is not the best idea, as her parents know she is dead. He doesn't understand how he would betray him and then believe he would do as exactly as he said. It's the night Lizzie and Josie were born, on March 15. Currently, she's a three-way hybrid that, for the moment, only has access to her witch and werewolf sides. Does Alaric Saltzman become headmaster again? Alaric arrives at the cabin where Dorian is questioning the dryad. He also says that he doesn't want to have anything to do with the vampire world anymore. Caroline questions if blood is bad for the twins, and Alaric tries to reassure her that it is probably alright for them, given it is good for her. Their actions end badly, and Hope ends up trapped in the Necromancer's mind. Elena calls Alaric who tells her he'll get him back and to not worry. Alaric speaks with Professor Vardemus over the phone and thanks him for his expertise. Tracking the girl's phone, they came upon the empty Salvatore school bus and found the remains of the previously reanimated girl stuffed into the glove compartment. Alaric was killed by Stevie by later came back to life thanks to his ring. In Season Two, Alaric doesn't appear in one episode: In Season Four, Alaric doesn't appear in two episodes: In the books Alaric was much younger and was a researcher instead of a vampire hunter. Alaric decides to finish his drink and tasks the two of them to talk to the other patrons, to see if they can figure out how to beat Zied's game. Hope is now ready. He tells the two that they should leave him desiccated, given they know nothing about his history. Alaric lied, saying he had seen it dissolve in acid. Resuming his research on the knife, Alaric tried numerous methods to destroy it including explosives, an acetylene torch, a circular saw and even running over it with his truck to no avail; the knife could not even be scratched. Kaleb doesn't want to do this, here, and Alaric wants him to fight it like his bloodlust. MG continues that they can't offer an explanation until they talk to him about it first. Elena is hugging him and telling him that he can't fight it, can't change what happened and that he has to let himself drown in it so he can learn to swim and grow stronger from it. Her father, Niklaus Mikaelson, was also the original vampire-werewolf hybrid. The Necromancer believes that Alaric is a gullible moron who's doomed them to remain in Limbo forever. He wonders why she brought him here. He says it's a miracle he's still alive and he's a dick if he's okay with bringing the baby into the supernatural mess. Fitting Jo with some clothes, Alaric coldly interrogated her on her resurrection, still disbelieving that she was who she claimed to be despite her spot-on answers. The only thing his subconscious can now relate to him is that he's still a drunk. Alaric uses his own experiences and attempts to get through to her. With the dragon dead, he finds the spell that Hope used to bring the dragon down, a death spell; dark magic. Alaric reminds her that they know nothing about fighting gods, but Hope has already taken the liberty of inviting Professor Vardemus to the school. Jed questions if she thinks they're going to lose but Hope believes they won't. He clearly still cares for her, though he knows who she loves; hence he tells her to be happy and they embrace. There, Elena convinces Alaric that he shouldn't give up just because he feels lost. In Cold as Ice, Alaric and Caroline discuss attending a birthing class for the twins. After Alaric forces the shopkeeper to hand over the artifact, tensions rise when the artifact proves unsuccessful in returning Landon to Hope. He informs Meredith that he has told the Council everything and that her medical license will be revoked. Upset Lizzie goes to her room and meets a jinni. Lizzie is a hybrid and she has the best chance of surviving, admittedly, it's not really much of one. Maya sees the creature on the floor and Alaric has MG compel her to forget. They found Oscar fighting Damon and while Bonnie kept him at bay with magic, Alaric shot him with vervain darts, successfully taking him prisoner. When asked by Jeremy where he had been, Alaric said that he wouldn't leave Damon in charge without looking back to check in on everyone. She intends to use Wade and run it like a super-accurate D&D campaign while the manticulum will tell them the outcome of any attack or defense. Through overuse of the Gilbert Ring, Esther manipulated his spirit while he was on the Other Side before he would resurrect, and as a result he developed an alter ego, called The Darkness by Bonnie and Dark Alaric or Evil Alaric to others, that hated vampires and vampire sympathizers; as the Darkness, Alaric killed several members of the Town Council. Rejoining the party, he stands in the crowd as Hope prepares a speech. After some deduction, Valerie learned that they had been magically transferred into Caroline, much to Caroline and Alaric's utter shock and disbelief. Alaric eventually explains the trauma Caroline went through when Stefan left her, and explains that Caroline doesn't want to see him, despite what he may think. Confused and furious in equal measures, Alaric called the group again who informed him about the discovery of an arachne but his words of caution were ignored by the team who hung up on him. In We All Knew This Day Was Coming, he, Dorian, and Kaleb are listening in on a dispatcher call, hoping that the human locals can find the missing students, though there's been no sign of them. Later, at a restaurant, Alaric calls to check in on Stefan, who says he's still following his lead. Malivore berates Alaric for teaching his students on how to be prey as opposed to predators. Alaric admits that this plan was more of a group effort, and he's had some help. Murmurs rattle throughout the students and Hope stands in protest, however, it does nothing to sway Alaric. His death turns Lizzie back to their side and she attacks and kills Aurora in a rage. In This Year Will Be Different, Alaric bumps into Hope, who is looking for the Principal of Mystic Falls High School. Alaric promises to keep it in the Saltzman name and points to Caroline. So naturally, Damon compels him to get it, revealing that for some reason, he isn't on vervain. Alaric stalks the train yard and is surrounded by Malivore controlled townies. Alaric decides that it would be too dangerous to complete the transition into an Original Vampire, and so he decides to let himself die. You have to let yourself drown in it, but then eventually, you'll start to swim, and every single breath that you fight for will make you stronger. He instructs Lizzie, Kaleb and Jed to keep Lizzie's secret and protect Hope's whereabouts as she navigates Josie's mind. Alaric enters the Salvatore crypt. Listening, actually, to the little voice in his head, while showing her the pendant. In Maybe I Should Start From The End, Still angry at Hope Alaric wakes up at 3am in the morning to discover her stealing his car keys. When Damon is injured by Elena, Alaric shows up and helps him. MG attacks next, though, again Wade explains that he dies. He believes that the Necromancer can bring him and Landon back to life and leaving him to use the third and final wish to reach Peace. When he tried to take it back, the woman breathed fire at him, forcing Alaric to flee back toward the highway. At the end of the episode Jenna demanded answers about Isobel but when he couldn't answer she left. Alaric is simultaneously completely terrible as a father, but also refuses to treat his children the same as the other students. In There's a World Where Your Dreams Came True, Alaric is first seen talking to Hope about the Urn and which monster they could be facing next unaware they're being watched by it. Hope tells him that she will not transfer to the Salvatore school amid fears that Landon may still choose Josie after she tells him how she feels. Alaric later helped Damon with escaped tomb vampires who kidnapped Stefan to torture and then kill him. Jo's brother Kai appears before them with the dagger, having been disguised by a cloaking spell. Awkwardly, MG and Lizzie move apart as MG struggles with his words. Alaric Saltzman's story in Legacies seemed to have ended in disaster, but things are rarely what they appear with Alaric. Caroline's angry that he didn't tell her before but he says he was confused about who was 'good' and bad. In Crying Wolf, Damon tells him his plan to kill Elijah. He didn't know what he'd get him into when Hope brought him to the school, but he allowed him to stay. Legacies spoilers follow. He also asks her if she's changed her mind about Alaric compelling to which she replies no. Shortly after Alaric and Jo's wedding massacre, Valerie Tulle helped Alaric realize that Caroline Forbes was the one actually carrying Alaric and Jo's fetuses, as a surrogate mother. Rebekah then runs and Alaric pursues her. Hope recounts that witches lose their abilities to do magic when they complete their transition. Together they try to convince Jeremy to stop hanging out with Tyler, because he is sired to Klaus and considered dangerous as he lacks his free will against Klaus' orders. He announces that the Salvatore School won't be closing its doors. She calls them all disposable and that they mean nothing to her. Her humanity tells her that they can win, all she has to do is just turn it back on. They're all shocked to watch as Landon sets into flames and returns from death. He then asks for a lift. She thanks him and he tells her he has one last confession. In This is What It Takes, Alaric is surprised and confused when Hope arrives at the Salvatore School claiming to know about the supernatural community, particularly about the existence of Malivore. Josie doesn't need it anymore and she asked her to give it to someone who does. He leaves a message to Elena explaining how becoming a vampire has ruined his dating life too. Alaric, however, believes that he means if souls can just wish themselves back to Peace, then he wonders why this place is so packed. Georgie asks him why he is afraid to explore the tunnels in the vault. Landon believes he thought he had already done enough that his and Hope's choice mattered even though they couldn't do it together. He's at a loss for words but refuses to accept this. Their timing is perfect with the arrival of Hope and Lizzie. He told Jenna about vampires, and since the full moon was coming Klaus got Greta Martin and Maddox to perform a spell that returned Klaus back to his body thus freeing Alaric, passing out from the spells aftereffect from possession. She tells them she's there to relieve them of their shift. She resorts to using magic to shock everyone out of the situation, and Alaric realizes that something is not right at the school. Alaric, for a short period, dies. In Things We Lost in the Fire, Alaric prepares to raise his children but the relationship between Alaric and Caroline becomes strained when Caroline sees Alaric's job offer on his desk; she realizes that Alaric will be moving away with the twins. When he wakes up, he still has his his wounds and internal bleeding, damage so severe the ring could not fully repair. Rupert and the others run through several more simulations, each time they fail against the gods. This realization, however, grants her a coin. When Hope leaves, Sheriff Mac enters, handing Alaric a restraining order placed against him by Professor Vardemus, meaning he cannot go near the school. Realizing that his students were in serious danger, Alaric raced to the root cellar to find Hope and Rafael with a distraught Landon, who claimed to have no memory of stealing the knife and that he'd lost it in the woods. Pearl, another escaped vampire and her daughter Anna arrived afterwards. The choice is hers and hers alone to make. Alaric leads the resistance group and is shocked to see that Lizzie is back. Cleo finds and embraces Kaleb in a hug. Malivore has found a way to turn innocent people into monsters that he can control. She reveals that she and Landon were in love, but she cannot reveal that to him. Hope has rejoined the others with Ken, the last remaining on the field. Alaric is at a local bar looking through case files, when Sheriff Machado asks if he is an investigator, but he lies and tells her he is a true crime novelist. He describes having lived in the golden ages of vampirism; times when vampires were not afraid to feed on humans. He wants Ethan to find MG and evacuate the town and Kaleb offers his assistance too. [3] "Ric" Saltzman is a main character of The Vampire Diaries and Legacies. Realizing that his plans have changed, the Necromancer has Rafael knock Alaric out and bring him to a meeting. And jed to keep it in the golden ages of vampirism ; times when vampires were not afraid feed. Its doors life thanks to his ring get through to her Alaric speaks with Professor Vardemus over the proves... 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does alaric become headmaster again