Its not clear that the author understands it, frankly. The rest of the content is current and relevant. I noted many errors in the text and Im sure there are many more. WebBiology" because of its inclusion of "Adaptation" instead of the introductory chapter from "Biology 2E" because of the current omission. On page 524, phylogeny is very poorly defined: Phylogeny describes the relationships of an organism, such as from which organisms it is thought to have evolved, to which species it is most closely related, and so forth. Ouch! The information of the text is nicely proportioned into manageable sections with allows the reader to pause and contemplate the material just presented. Images of structures and processes are clear and useful, and this section is limited mostly by the comparatively strong focus on mammalian and human physiology. The evolution section is a particular bad spot, which is inexcusable. I am writing this review for potential "Introductory Biology" course (chapters 1-16), thus, I currently use it as supplemental resource. On page 808, the text states, We will consider hagfishes and lampreys together as jawless fishes, the agnathans, although emerging classification schemes separate them into chordate jawless fishes (the hagfishes) and vertebrate jawless fishes (the lampreys). This is incorrect and out-of-date. read more. Not sure this is a major hang up, just something I noticed. The themes are appropriate and comprehensive. How many grams and how many liters of water would have to be evaporated through perspiration to rid the body of the heat generated during two hours of exercise? For example 14.3, a dead mouse image was unhelpful in understanding this classic experiment. The text appears to be culturally sensitive, but there are not very many examples of the importance of biodiversity to a variety of groups of people across the globe. The small text-box presentations of examples of the scientific method throughout the book were well executed. Many of the areas of biology are constantly changing with the ever increasing research being performed. 12.1, 15.1,16.1,17.1 all were poor choices. Error p. 322 color is spelled with the American spelling. This text book is as comprehensive as the McGraw Hill and Pearson texts that we have been using. Which of the following sciences is not considered a natural science? I didn't notice any major errors, but there were some omissions, especially in the evolution section, which is a disaster. read more, I found the book to cover the topics in good depth, definitely a lower division, major-level text, While I found a few instances where I disagree with the text, but they are minor. It is mostly a long long list of descriptive paragraphs. This is especially important with the focus the text takes in its career connections. Many topics are covered at a moderate level of depth with additional links provided to content from other sections of the text For example, the section on global climate change could include information on rising sea levels and how island nations and their culture will be eliminated. The text does an excellent job of focusing on the content and providing examples from around the world. glycosidic bond. This seems to be representative of the textbook more broadly. The organization is on par with other majors level biology texts. c. whether traits have a genetic basis and Biology by Russell et al which are all well suited for a two-semester general biology sequence such as is typically taken by biology and science majors. This textbook is extremely comprehensive, almost too comprehensive. catalyst in a biochemical reaction that is usually a complex or conjugated protein. hi, i am a student and i have been using your reading guides to help me with my reading assignments for this book and they have been extremely helpful! plants microorganisms birds dinosaurs 5. It is likely that an instructor adopting this text, seeking the best possible learning environment for her students, will use many resources from other publishers, in effect, shifting the financial backing for resources to publishers who charge considerably prices to access their products. 2. I could probably use them! I don't think that can be stressed enough; science is a way of thinking and approaching problems. There are a few errors or misstatements in this book, but they are few and far between. I do think that the book would benefit from integrating more questions throughout the text to check student understanding throughout the chapters instead of having the majority of questions at the end of the chapters. As above, my only preference would be to introduce Evolution in a bit more depth early in the book. better use of color). Although the text states that H-bonds create the double-helix structure, this is not shown in the Figure. I did look at the OpenStax A&P book and it looked like it would do for the "Animal Form and Function" aspects of introductory biology. Web resources have a notoriously short longevity and links to external sources need updating, so their inclusion makes regular updating essential if only for that reason. Looks like what you have put together is going to pretty much fit the bill! Furthermore, the video is really talking about sex, but incorrectly uses the term gender for reasons that are unknown to me. However, most of the scientific articles cited are more than 10 years old, being the most recent article from 2015. I have at times had difficulty in navigating the table of contents, but this could be due to connectivity issues on my end. The overall organization of topics is very sensical as it goes from "small-scale" Biology (cells, DNA, etc.) Diversity of life and physiology get a lot of attention and surprising detail for an introductory textbook. In general, I did not locate any grammatical errors. On page 503, the text states, Evolutionary theory states that humans, beetles, plants, and bacteria all share a common ancestor, but that millions of years of evolution have shaped each of these organisms into the forms seen today. No, billions of years. I found it to be internally consistent. Students can download this text for free, view it on their devices and print it out. It presents the same problems if one wishes to teach topics out of order, which is that the student will have to pay attention to the section they are currently teaching on as not all professors go in chapter order. In the sections of my review below, I discuss the information my students need in relation to the content of this text. The chapters are divided into sections and subheadings. Likewise, more inclusive wording could be used with respect to gender. The standard topics of biology are covered well and provide students with a solid foundation of the subject area. There are no issues with the download at any time and website does reminder the reader to use the chrome or any other web browser than IE. The depth of content is largely appropriate for a 200-level Biology class. Unless you use a third party software to remix, textbook is highly accurate. Other species concepts should be included and the pros and cons of each should be discussed. For additional free and open resources, visit For example, Cell Communication, Cell reproduction, Mendelian genetics and non-mendelian traits, DNA replication and repair and mitosis and meiosis I believe are covered adequately. However, as with any subject, certain topics in generally biology (e.g. - Figures should not cross multiple pages (i.e., figure 1.16 in pdf version). Reviewed by Laurie Lawson, Associate Professor, Tidewater Community College on 1/30/23, This online textbook covers most chapters for the biology 101 and 102 courses taught at TCC. For example, the life cycle of flowers, and cellular respiration and hydrogen bonding. The book is comprehensive and suitable for use in a 2-semester (year long) college-level biology/science majors general biology sequence. The book's grammar seems to be good. One, the figures are sometimes bare-bones. They hold far more fine details than students can absorb (or need), and theres no easy way to tell students to read only selected pages or sections from those books. Content-wise, Biology -2e very closely aligns itself with most traditional introductory Biology text books. WebDownload Ebook Learnsmart Answer Key Biology Read Pdf Free biology 2nd edition solutions and answers quizlet free solutions for miller and levine biology 1st edition quizlet textbook answers gradesaver the biology 2e openstax evidence of evolution answer key studocu answer Seems to mimick other Intro Biology for Majors organizational schemes. It is a complete package! Van der Waals attractions can occur between any two or more molecules and are dependent on slight fluctuations of the electron densities, which are not always symmetrical around an atom. I found few errors. This single grammar mistake was found on pg. The format of the Textbook is highly modular. Nothing caught my attention regarding Canadian content. Except where otherwise noted, textbooks on this site The search feature worked well, and the table of contents was easy to navigate. Poor use of page space / too much white space also makes this text a poor fit for reading online, particularly on devices such as iPad, tablet, eReaders where screen size is smaller and the text /content is intended to fill the entire screen space. It focuses on many broad aspects of biology such as Chemistry, Cell biology, Ecology and Geology. Do you look forward to treating your guests and customers to piping hot cups of coffee? It shows biology in light of evolution and in light of molecular biology. My suggestion would be not to completely overhaul the text exactly but maybe update the ancillary materials in a way that teachers and students are introduced to new discoveries and new techniques on regular basis. One example will suffice: there is no mention of the CRISPR-cas9 gene editing method which even the general public is aware of now because of extensive media coverage of the work of Dr. Jennifer Doudna and others. However, there are several mistakes that do need to be corrected. In Fig 3.12 "Hydrophobic lipids" is redundant. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Textbook content produced by OpenStax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License . On page 52, the text states, Like hydrogen bonds, van der Waals interactions are weak attractions or interactions between molecules. Because the book provides only survey-level detail, occasionally concepts are over-simplified, but I did not notice major factual errors. I have not noticed any grammatical issues but did find some of the sentences to be too long or awkwardly constructed. Again, I think this structure is typical for an introductory class. It seems best to let students know up front when there are multiple names in use for a single structure or process, even if a professor chooses to use only one term through the duration of the course. With an introductory-level biology text, it is important to achieve a balance between the length of the text & number of topics and the inclusion of the most recent technological advances. If xenon has an atomic number of 54 and a mass number of 108, how many neutrons does it have? WebBiology 2e (2nd Edition) Book Edition. The sentence conveys an implicit idea that ALL variation in a species is attributable to genes. Additionally, there is a lack of images of people in the text, so I supplement the information presented with "scientist spotlights" to highlight diverse scientists in the wide range of careers available with a Biology degree. It's hard to say how quickly these current examples will become obsolete, but this would be a problem with any textbook that uses current examples. (b) What volume would this air occupy at room temperature and 1atm1 \mathrm{~atm}1atm pressure? These included sites such as Khan Academy. Like most biology textbooks, the topics are presented in hierarchy from small to large scale (atoms to ecosystems), which builds concepts logically and necessarily somewhat cumulatively. Further, labeling of figure components is often too small and borderline blurry. In many cases, the book is written in very simplistic terms, which is likely designed to hold the readers interest. For example, the discussion of Lakes work would not be accessible to general biology students. (The text does link out to an online resource which invites students to click through the stages of the Krebs Cycle, however the usefulness of this tool far outweighs the confusion of the older term.). The index and glossary are fine. I found real problems with chapters 12-15 and 17. The chapters are edited consistently; a great improvement from the first versions of open materials. There is no discussion of the temperate forests on the west coast. I compare the chapter from Biology 2e to both the first edition Openstax Biology and a traditional introductory text from a major publisher. I especially like the individual glossaries for each chapter rather than a single glossary at the end. The adaption section will be added to Biology 2e: Adaptation All living organisms exhibit a fit to their environment. In Chapter 18, the text only includes the biological species concept, with no discussion of its weaknesses or limitations. Overall, this book provides a mostly adequate resource for teachers who are trying to save on textbook costs. Author (s) OpenStax. That may be true for most humans, but some humans have 45 or 47. The overall organization of topics and concepts within the textbook is similar to current commercial introductory biology textbooks. I am happy that each chapter here truly stands alone, and chapters can be covered in any order. The units on evolutionary processes (unit 4), biological diversity (unit 5) and ecology (unit 8), are hard to follow and may confuse students. Thanks again for all of these! There are many errors and the use of terminology that has since been changed due to new findings. This will make it quite easy to assign specific parts of a chapter. This is commonly a distraction that is minimized in this textbook. The main problem I noticed (at least with the online version of the text) is that you can't click on the figures to open up an enlarged version of the figure in higher resolution, either in a separate window or within the body of the text. Evolution is mentioned in Ch.1 but is not defined or explained, assuming that students already understand this complex. Every link that I clicked on was active. I have cited a few examples In fig 2.19, human blood should be included in the pH scale. I have found the content for this purpose mostly comprehensive, with some need to supplement. There is even a mention of the importance of integrating social science research into biological research and authors mention how traditional ecological knowledge was used to help biologists understand the sin nombre hantavirus discovery. The organization and flow are exactly what many introductory biology teachers would expect in terms of major topics/themes and their ordering if one is used to a number of the major commercial offerings: topics progress from molecules to cells to organisms to ecosystems. The topics are relevant to cover in an introductory biology college at an undergraduate institution. I believe that more modern books will more thoroughly discuss the human element to conservation and management. The textbook contains current information and up-dated material. This text ties together conceptual understand and application to the real-world in a way that I feel will benefit many first year Biology students. Systematics could be another trouble spot, but the authors do OK presenting an up-to-date, albeit conservative phylogeny. Biology 2e is designed to cover the scope and sequence requirements of a typical two-semester biology course for science majors. On page 486, this sentence is incomplete: Define species and describe how species are identified as different. In some cases, the art is overly simplistic, and in others it is difficult to follow the progression of events in a process. 1171-2 are covered with weakly explained equations and values in mm Hg. To this end, the text could swap outdated, less commonly used biotechnology methods for more recent developments (e.g., CRISPR). The major textbooks in Biology offer numerous, diverse learning resources, including audience response programs, test banks, adaptive learning software, etc. This seems like a great book for freshman because often at that stage the students are interested in science but are unsure of what branch of science they want to go into. The basics / foundations were covered in an appropriate manner so that the text will not become out of date very quickly. It also states, Some plants produce spores. No, all plants produce spores. In truth, both fields are equally rigorous and important, they just study different parts of our world. When talking about inherited disorders and conditions, the authors were straight-forward and sensitive with jargon related to those topics, which can read as offensive if done thoughtlessly. Chapter 20 shows a very weak understanding of a key topic: phylogeny. The table of contents and index are useful, and the PDF is searchable. Some of the sources for the videos are Wikimedia which may not be produced or edited by scientifically credible authors or creators. No mention is made of other ways of testing hypotheses such as with new observations (as predicted by a hypothesis), by comparative studies or natural, inadvertent, or unfortunate experiments, or by mathematical modeling. One very serious weakness of this text is the art: the figures, the animations, and the Art Connection features. Both the pdf and online version contain an index. I did not find any grammar / proofreading errors. While images in general represent different races, inclusion particularly of scientists from different groups could be improved. This is an example of convection, NOT diffusion. I enjoyed the Links to Learning and Career Connections sections. Reviewed by Melissa Kilgore, Biology Instructor, Lane Community College on 6/20/17, The textbook covers all of the major topics that I address in a year of non-majors biology. These chapters provide sufficient background, though they will be best if supplemented with a laboratory text that provides more details and images. Second half an easily be taught out of order while keeping the integrity of the textbook order. It was also easy to search the whole document for terms of interest. Thanks for all you have done !! I think students will appreciate this breakdown and it will help to avoid overwhelming them with new material. Its detailed enough to provide a good foundation for introductory students without overwhelming them. Text is already in its second edition. It would be easy for the instructor to build off the foundation that was laid out in the text. ATP. I was impressed with the quality of the content. Overall text was a good mix between technical / scientific jargon and everyday language. These highlighted boxes standout for the students as something extra and interesting, and the information is not lost in the main text. Sanger sequencing is NOT what is used for cheap sequencing today. On the instructor side, anyone who relies on powerpoints, especially new instructors, would find the lack of included images to be challenging and the need to add images will raise some issues around using copyrighted material from other sources. There are a few things that pervade the text that I take issue with. I am specifically looking for a text that I can supplement, not a text that covers everything as the forefront of science since science quickly changes and as an instructor, I enjoy finding new articles or resources for my students each semester to keep the course up-to-date and more interactive for the students (and me). Something especially unique about this book is the Career connections Section within every chapter. In Fig 5.11 the diagram depicting osmosis is misleading due to the depiction of the height of water following its movement across the membrane. Be on the watch that the figures mirror the text, but aside from that, I look forward to using this for my class. This was especially noteworthy in the diversity of life chapters, where contemporary taxonomic titles are used rather than the more widely recognized historical names and groups that are currently outdated. For example, they use the term Citric Acid Cycle instead of the Krebs Cycle, and this is conserved throughout the text. My main concern is that in some areas the book is already out of date and unless there are provisions for regular revision and updating it will soon become significantly out of date. Ideally some complex themes could be covered in more detail. The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive. The organization of the book seems like it would allow for this. I can easily envision plucking chapters or subchapter-units out for one class vs. another as the book is written for a 2 course sequence. Reviewed by Petra Kranzfelder, Assistant Teaching Professor, University of California, Merced on 3/5/20, This textbook covers the typical introductory biology course topics for biology majors, including chemistry, cells, genetics, evolution, biodiversity, plant and animal form and function, and ecology. However, since the publication date is 2013 and completion of the book was perhaps a year or two before that date the text does not include newer advances in some fast-moving areas like molecular genetics. As is typical, some of the video does not have captioning so every video does not allow full accessibility. This organization facilitates the assignation of reading material for the students. The first third of this Biology 2e text is roughly equivalent to our abridged version We biologists study the diversity of life! There are no issues with images or charts. Terms and concepts are very well explained and significance is emphasized. Our resource for Biology includes answers to chapter exercises, as well as detailed information to walk you through the process step by step. The textbook is organized in a clear and logical way. Each chapter consists a number of sections - this makes it easy for the student to break the material up into manageable chunks. I could see my students enjoying this text and the approach that is used in presenting material. The first forms of life on Earth were ________. I did not read any insensitive or offensive language in the chapters I reviewed. There is unevenness in accessibility across chapters. However, because of the errors and the use of terms that no longer apply, students may become easily confused and this could affect the longevity of the text. This is not an enlightened book, but I have not found it to lack images and examples from across the spectrum of humanity. Independent Assortment is discussed in 12.3 along with Linkage, but Linkage section did not provide any information about determining the distance between and order of genes on chromosomes. 6. The index at the start of the text is very useful for navigation. In addition, chapters are grouped under 8 units, from "The Chemistry of Life" to "Ecology.". While it is challenging to cover all Biology content in an introductory text, the book is an excellent substitute for the previous Biology text we were using. However, I firmly believe that these small errors are mainly in sections that would not be covered in most one-semester courses, and could easily be clarified by the professor if they were covered. It may remain as a heuristic that is often mentioned, so perhaps there is still some use in having in a textbook, but its not exactly an up-to-date framework. For me, a text book is a resource of basic information that allows the students to learn a bit on their own (the critical basics) before applying their knowledge to in class activities. Answers to text and chapter questions are also provided. catalyst in a biochemical reaction that is usually a complex or conjugated protein. The section on temperate forests is actually inaccurate in spots, stating that deciduous trees are dominant in this biome, and omitting the fact that coniferous forest are also dominant in these forests. I am reviewing this textbook not for a first year course in introductory biology, but for a second-year one-semester course on the integrative biology of animals. The text that I perused did not contain any grammatical errors. The book is not culturally insensitive or offensive. The text is organized in a way that most introductory instructors would be familiar with. al.). If there are provisions for regular revisions of the textbook these issues can be addressed easily. Topic completely missing from the book or coverage is so poor it is unusable, in my analysis were: read more. Single-celled eukaryotes and the major phyla of animals. However, the blanket statement as written by the authors instead plays to the very common misconception that genes are all-powerful and determine ones fate. While it is challenging to cover all Biology content in an introductory text, the book is an excellent substitute for the previous Biology text we were using. Web resources have a notoriously short longevity and links to external sources need updating, so their inclusion makes regular updating essential if only for that reason. For example, redox reactions are briefly described, but their value in removing free energy from glucose molecules is given short shrift. Why do organisms need energy at all? read more. To submit a correction, 1. 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