simple solution synthetic urine

This will break down any clumps and bring the heat activator back to its original granular form. With 2 heat pads and heat activator powder.100% Effective! If you do this at your workplace, it is more likely that you will be caught. Clear Choice Incognito Belt -Top Fake Pee Brand To Pass THC Urine Test. The test will look for drugs, creatinine, electrolytes, urea, uric acid, and possibly other components of human urine. As we said, the only thing thats going to be different for the ladies is the system to fake the actual act of taking a whiz during a drug test. You must open the vial and pour the entire contents into the collection cup. What you get is ready-to-be-poured into the test cup right away. If the tester suspects that the sample has been heated, they might reject it outright. If you do not see any temperature indication on the strip, this means your synthetic urine temperature is below 88F. All you need to do is mix up the urine powder with some water, and you should have an authentic-looking and smelling sample. Long story short, it was too hot, and my urine sample was not accepted. One thing to remember is that you should urinate a little before using the synthetic urine, as this will help lower the cups temperature. The fake pee looks and smells like pee (although it is darker than you would expect from a person that wasnt dehydrated), and for the most part, the kit seems like it should do the trick. Synthetic urine works by providing a fake urine kit or fake urine sample containing all of the same chemicals found in human urine. But if you dont want to spend quite as much, and have preparation time, then Sub Solution is an equally good option. Long story short, it was too hot, and my urine sample was not accepted. Clear Choice Incognito Belt - Best And Reliable Synthetic Urine Kit. When it comes to Simple Solution, things arent as simple as they seem. Usually, with the best synthetic urine brands that use a heating pad or temperature strip, youve got about 6 hours of leeway time. Generally, synthetic urine contains urea, creatinine, uric acid, sodium chloride, and potassium chloride. Think Im going to go with actual urine this time. I recommend using a stash leg belt. Now add 4.5 g of potassium chloride, 7.5 g of sodium chloride and 4.8 g of sodium phosphate, mix the solution thoroughly. This, however, is not good when it comes to sitting a drug test. Passing a drug test with Simple Solution Synthetic Urine is a simple process. The best synthetic urine has no hazardous chemicals in it. Make sure you always buy from a reputable and recommended online store to avoid risking a fake product. Quick Luck synthetic urine includes a standard 3oz bottle containing synthetic urine, heat activator powder, a temperature strip (ranging between 94 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit), and two. Fun fact though, drug testing labs use synthetic urine to calibrate their urine screening equipment, so when used correctly, it is easy to trick the system. A urine sample thats not within the boundaries of body temperature will definitely fail a test. The natural urine formula is very complex. And that is if you keep them properly stored with the right temperature and all. But if you find a good fake urine there - be glad, because you will be able to read customer reviews. Golden Shower Synthetic Urine is a fake piss that comes in a powdered form. Quick Luck - Recommended Fake Pee For Drug Test. I tell myself that these people arent the bad guy. Usually, this is a simple test of the sample against panels on a physical test kit, although it can sometimes be digital. Outside the testing facility, use the heat activator powder to bring the sample to within the correct temperature range (between 90F and 100F). Put on the baggy bottom and go to the testing location. This brand has been on the market for over 20 years and is one of the most popular brands of best synthetic urine available for drug testing, especially Quick Fix 6.2. Cheaper, standard tests tend to be susceptible to being fooled by synthetic urine. Once this is the case, heat it up until it reaches 95 degrees. You can save money and use a bottle of warm water to heat your sample, but the results are not guaranteed. He passed the temp, but they told him there was something up with the pee, and it didnt Foam when shook. You never know if the urine is really clean. The kit has two heat pads and a temperature strip attached to the bladder bag. With only your body heat, getting the ideal temperature takes considerably longer than with the other two procedures. The TestClear powdered urine kit includes: These are some of the characteristics that distinguish this powdered urine product from others on the market. What iseven more important is the self-heating mechanism. These are popular but low-quality brands of fake urine that you should avoid for a variety of reasons: None of them are complex in the formula. Safe to use around your family . First-timers may find it difficult to prepare for the . Make sure the lid is on tight so that it doesnt leak. But what about the urine itself? The perfect accessory to hold and conceal your bottle of synthetic urine with confidence. Once this is the case, heat it up until it reaches 95 degrees. The main difference is that synthetic urine does not contain any of the banned substances that may be detected in a drug test. What you're getting with Quick Fix is a very basic synthetic urine kit: The fake urine is premixed It contains urea and uric acid Quick Fix also contains creatine Quick Fix does not contain biocide It's balanced for pH and specific gravity It "sort of" looks like the real thing I was a bit nave looking back, but I trusted the feedback online. Remember, they do this as a profession and they make excellent quality products that are always updated with the new technology. Every substance that enters your body must go through the natural process of metabolism. However, he will not directly look at you when you submit the sample. Yeah, definitely give it a long thought because youre playing with fire here. The unit is small and can be reused for future testing samples. But it depends on several things going right for you. The statements in this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Simple Solution should be at a temperature between 94 and 102 degrees to match the normal range of human body temperature. It costs more but allows you to submit a sample even while being watched. Yes, synthetic urine can be used by both males and females. Youll soon discover that it smells exactly like normal urine. Now add 4.5 g of potassium chloride, 7.5 g of sodium chloride and 4.8 g of sodium phosphate, mix the solution thoroughly. We cant drive home this point enough, though you must get yourself a high-quality synthetic urine brand if you want to pass your next assessment. You can hide under your clothing and deliver the urine by releasing a small clip on the tube. A person prepairs synthetic urine before a drug test. After visual inspection drug test collector will check the temperature of your sample. My reasons for choosing this product were long-standing reputation, nutrient balance, and easy-to-follow instructions., The most popular brand of synthetic urine, Ive seen this stuff promoted here a lot as an easy way to pass a drug test. You will have all of that with your synthetic urine if you slightly agitate it to produce bubbles. A fake urine kit for a drug test is a product that might include anything from tiny plastic tubing to a fake color-matched penis as part of the delivery system. I would recommend this product., My only gripe against this product is the warmer it provided. When she is not managing her business, Colonial Stores, Lisa spends most of her time researching about synthetic urine products to review. The Sub Solution synthetic urine kit comes with a small plastic collection bottle, a synthetic urine powder vial, a heat activator powder, and an easy-to-follow manual to get around. The kit includes heat activator powder and pads (although I dont know why you would use them when the powder does it all for you). All of those components are not inexpensive. For the $100, youll get 3oz of highly complex in formula and premixed synthetic urine that you can use at very short notice. Some have complained that the Simple Solution pee looks a little dark, but you cant be failed for this it just looks like the sample has been given by somebody whos dehydrated! Phone: +1 614-819-2943 | I took a test on Friday and just got a call from the clinic today that there were issues with the sample, and Ill need to retake the test. In this case, carefully add 1/3 of the heat activator into the mixing container. Any products described are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Yes, fake pee or synthetic urine brands can be detected easily, but it depends on a few factors. Whatever the reason for the drug test, you can pass it with high-quality synthetic urine if you know which brand to buy, how to prepare it, and the pitfalls to avoid. You can get 'The Sub' here. Practical jokes just reached a whole new level with the SweetPee Basic Refillable urine prank system kit. You want to get a reading as close to 100F as possible without going above that. Synthetic Urine Ultimate Guide: Pass Your Drug Tests, Does Amazon Sell Synthetic Urine? Qcarbo 16oz solution specifically designed medium toxin levels or smaller body mass. Hand warmers that you can buy in a box or package of three to five and carry around with you are called portable, disposable hand warmers. The pre-mixed laboratory fake urine is clean, fresher, and toxin-free. Do not use on wool or leather. If you are looking for the best synthetic urine that is guaranteed to work, then the Clear Choice Sub Solution might be the most reliable option. If you didnt know, there are different types of drug panels when it comes to testing for different substances. Quick Fix Synthetic Urine Piss Perfect Urine Delivery System Synthetic urine remains the most reliable, simplest way to pass a drug testother than just passing on your own. There are a variety of reasons one might want to make use of fake urine. But unlike many brands on the market, this fake urine does not come in liquid form. You need to double check with your doctor or pharmacy beforehand. Certain factors can influence the time frame such as age, body fat, the frequency of use, and physical condition. Using a pad is one of the most foolproof ways to heat up your specimen, but it takes a little longer than the other methods. Let sit for 5 minutes for the enzymes and Pro-Bacteria to break down the organic proteins. We did notice that it seemed to foam up when poured into a cup, and the smell may be strong enough as well to pass as human urine for the test. There are synthetic urine kits available on the internet that is advertised solely to women, but dont be fooled there is nothing outstanding or different about these products, except maybe for their price tag. Furthermore, problems could easily arise when trying to get the urine out of the bag, due to the awkward setup. Clear Choice Sub Solution Synthetic Urine Kit Sub Solution powdered urine is the market bestseller and offers the best balance between price and product features. It contains 11 chemical compounds found in real urine, it looks, smells, and froths . In spite of knowing that, it is possible to get away with submitting a fake urine for a drug test, there are still certain issues that need to be taken into consideration. Get Clear Choice Sub Solution Synthetic Urine Kit, Get Quick Luck Premium Synthetic Urine Kit, Get Incognito Belt Premixed Synthetic Urine Kit, Premixed Synthetic Urine on an Incognito Belt. There are four ways to heat synthetic urine: microwave, hand warmer, body heat, and heating pads. In this case, youll need a urine bag with a tube or a prosthetic attachment to discreetly submit your urine. We applaud the makers of Simple Solution for trying to help people save their jobs. Synthetic urine was originally designed by laboratories to check their lab equipment in order to ensure it was working properly before evaluating genuine pee samples. Iambonkers, Reddit. With this excellent product, you dont have to get cooking on homemade synthetic urine or any other DIY projects that you got going on just to pass a mandatory urinalysis. Its not. Sarah, Chicago. In fact, pretty much everything is found in human urine. Add the entire contents of the synthetic urine vial to water in a mixing container, screw the cap on the bottle and gently shake the container until the powder has completely dissolved. Thats it. You still need to heat it to the right temperature and buy a heating pad. Got the negative result for the 10-panel, pre-employment drug screen. Since there are few complicated procedures to follow, youll have a low margin of error and, as a result, higher chances of success. My reasons for choosing this product were long-standing reputation, nutrient balance, and easy-to-follow instructions. Be careful, everyone, because this stuff isnt perfect. Ideal for animals, children, and pet parents who are sensitive to chemicals and harsh fragrances. However, we cant recommend a product with this many potential problems when there is a cheaper, proven commodity on the market in the form of Clear Choice. Synthetic urine ona belt. You need to get Sub Solution synthetic urine as close to 100F on the . Sub Solutions Synthetic Urine for example, is laboratory designed to mimic human urine perfectly. Best brands will allow you to pass the immunoassay level analysis as well. Instantly neutralizes nicotine, prescription drugsand all other unwanted toxins from your urine. But we want to hear from you! There are many different fake pee brands, but they all have the same goal: to help you beat a drug test. The complexity of this task stems from the precise amount of water and heat needed to be achieved. Synthetic urine is a liquid that will help you to pass a urine drug test. You want a reading on the temperature strip that is as close to 100F as possible. As a result, such brands can only pass the dipstick test for creatinine levels, ph, and specific gravity. Apart from using fake urine as an option, its also possible to use pee from someone else whose pee sample is clean, but there could be complications, or you may not find someone with a clean sample. Giving a fake urine sample should be as seamless and discreet as possible having to mess around with unclipping and reclipping the tube just screams problems. This makes it necessary to make the fake urine appear as authentic as possible. The kit comes with a heat activator powder which raises urine temperature within seconds and is far superior to a heating pad. If you are sure of testing positive for any substance, then your best chances for passing the drug test would be be to use synthetic urine. Although this doesnt necessarily mean that a nosey official wont ask you to submit more than that. Such tests are rare and are done for law enforcement purposes. Its more expensive than some others, but its not synthetic. In a lab, it is indistinguishable from real pee. 2. Check with either an indicator paper or a PH meter. But unlike the most commonly available synthetic. Customers claim that the firms claims are genuine for drug testing. Lisa is a content writer, blogger, and entrepreneur. Sub Solution gives you complete, granular control over the sample temperature. Email . The print is quite small and when you wear the belt, it can be difficult to get a reading. If the product had a more or less spotless record like Clear Choice, we wouldnt have a problem with the price. Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind: These tips will help ensure that your synthetic urine is in good condition and ready to use when needed. Some people even use it during fetish play because it's cleaner and more sanitary! Phone: +1 614-819-2943 | Its real powdered urine. The simple fact is that if you use the best synthetic urine (updated to 2022 testing standards) you will pass a drug test. Synthetic urine is a lab-made solution designed to test as authentic urine. Yes, Simple Solution can be reused, if you dont need the full amount for your test. If you use the heat pad, microwave the sample for about 10 seconds on full power. Before using the urine, simply shake once more. They have some of the best synthetic urine on the market. Before submitting your sample verify the temperature is within the correct range (90F 100F). Purified water, natural non-pathogenic bacteria, denatured ethanol, natural enzymes, detergent and fragrance. When she is not managing her business, Colonial Stores, Lisa spends most of her time researching about synthetic urine products to review. Treat them like humans, and they will do the same in kind. First off, weve heard too many complaints that creatinine levels are not all they should be. What Are the Different Types of Drug Panels? Ready to get one over on your mates? When you need to submit the sample unfasten the white clips to drain the contents. Simple Solution is actually a kit that contains 3.5 ounces of premixed product in a bladder-style clear plastic bag, along with a tube you can use to dispense the pee when the time comes. Practice Kit + $35.00 Stash Leg Belt + $24.95 THC Test Panel + $15.00 Five Panel Test Kit + $30.00 $90.00 Cover 2x the size of the mess and be sure to saturate the carpet backing and padding. Even a minor variation in measurements or temperature might corrupt the entire sample. But people have also started to use it because it is a good synthetic urine choice for passing a drug test. Quick Fix synthetic urine comes in varieties. Eco-Friendly and Gentle. You simply heat it up to between 90 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit (presumably in a microwave), strap it on and go take care of business. Biocide is a preservative that is used to keep urine from spoiling. The key to the whole thing was being calm and engaging in a convo with the test taker. It also must have pH and specific gravity within the normal range: Fake pee must look, smell, and froth like natural urine. Many safety-centric firms like the air traffic control or truck driver employers, often demand a pre-employment drug test. This step is critical and the main reason people fail to pass the drug test with fake urine! Below are the ingredients you will need to make your fake pee. Reheating Simple Solution is possible, although its generally recommended to avoid doing this more than once or twice, as it risks distorting the chemical makeup of the urine. Ted, Los Angeles, After finding out that I had to pass a test for a new job offer I spent countless hours researching and settled on Sub Solution as the means of accomplishing success! Some brands have created fancy kits for dispensing pee discreetly, which are designed for males or females, but otherwise, there is no actual difference. Using tap water with powdered fake urine is a major blunder that will not provide a valid sample on a drug test. Usually, you will need to use a microwave and activate the heatpad in order to prepare your sample within the . In order to fool the lab, the urine you present to them must be at about body temperature. Once they have hit the expiration date, they are no longer useful because their integrity has been compromised and that will cause you to fail your test. I even had it a perfect temp It's pretty much the surest fake pee that pretty much everybody uses. The Sub Solution synthetic urine shipping is using EPS for same-day shipping. The deals might be great, but make sure that you dont skimp on quality and get a product that will help you pass any drug test. The container that the fake pee comes in will have temperature strips on the side, so all you need to do is make sure that its between 92-100 degrees. It must contain numerous factors, including creatinine and urea. What temperature should Simple Solution be? But until drug testing is defeated in the courts, its reality. >> SUB SOLUTION IS UNDETECTABLE READ MY SUCCESS STORY <<. Email: Quick Fix Synthetic Urine 6.2 is synthetic urine kit produced by Spectrum Labs, a company based in the United States. Standard drug tests do not typically analyze for gender, meaning you are free and clear. Introducing Simple Solution Simple Solution Synthetic Urine The 3.5-ounce urine solution is suitable for both males and females, and has the ingredients and characteristics of a human urine sample. Synthetic urine is used to calibrate drug testing equipment. Refrigerated, it will last for many weeks, a when frozen, it would even last many months. Larry, Clinton Township, I got the basic powdered urine kit and used it exactly as directed. You can also use a sock stash with long pants as long as your container is small enough to fit in the stash. What you DO need is a delivery system thats made for your gender. Most synthetic urine kits are unisex, meaning they can be used safely by both girls and guys. Includes two heat pads and a lifelike prosthetic in the skin tone of your choice. Sub Solution is the number one selling powdered synthetic urine product on the market in the USA, and probably globally. The urine bladder can be easily attached with a stitched velcro strap so that it will fit your body discreetly. You can skip the microwave part, but then youll need about an hour to warm the sample to the required temperature. Fake urine can be sold in the form of powder or can be premixed in a bottle. Theres no need to mix it with water. Test Clear - Overall Best Synthetic Urine Kit, Editor's . Powdered urine costs less but requires time and clean water for preparation. Comes with 2 heat pads. 1. Simple Solution is said to mimic the chemical characteristics of real human urine with all the requisite proteins, creatinine, amino acids, uric acid, and more mixed in the proper quantities and balanced for pH in a way that mirrors real pee. Luckily, there is an alternative. Youll want to understand if the temperature of your sample is within the required range. The first and most important thing to remember about making fake urine is that it must appear genuine on a drug test. Simple Solution is pretty easy to use, although there may be some difficulties if you have someone paying close attention while youre giving your sample. Next, your urine will go through the basic immunoassay analysis. Best synthetic urine brands will pass all lab tests, including immunoassay analysis and gas chromatography. The sample is premixed and ready to use. Its not as simple as liquid synthetic urine since you must combine the urine and then warm it up. As a sterile and toxin-free product, Simple Solution is completely safe for sexual play, and does not pose any risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Its urine formula is made from 11 different chemical compounds, including uric acid and urea, that mimic real human urine and is balanced for pH, specific gravity, and creatinine, to mention a few. Once youve mixed your synthetic urine combination, put it in a hand warmer and check the temperature on a regular basis. If you dont buy quality synthetic urine, dont store it correctly in its bag, and follow the instructions perfectly, of course, it can be detected. You may either be escorted to the drug testing facility bathroom or not. For Urine Odors: Turn nozzle to stream and open foaming . The company has perfected their fake urine samples to be almost undetectable by authorized drug tests. The fake urine sample is packaged in a vial that must be transferred to a larger container to combine and make the imitation pee. Lab technicians will analyze the color of your synthetic urine sample, the temperature, and even the smell, and it is necessary that the fake urine is kept warm at around body temperature, is at least yellowish in color, and contains ammonia and many other substances. These ingredients can be hard to find so you might need time to order these items online for your homemade artificial urine [1]. Female users are fans of the delivery system, which uses urination devices that can be discreetly concealed between their buttocks and held in place with a thong. It is small, discreet, and easy to use. If the drug test is supervised, the collector will be in the room with you. You can use the stash leg belt, stash boxers, or waist belt. Note: Once activated, the heat pad will barely feel warm to the touch, and this is perfectly normal as the heat pad, as the heat pad, combined with your body heat, will raise the urine to its ideal temperature within 1 hour. Its complex, and its easy to manage. I put Quick Fix Plus Synthetic Urine to the test by performing the test most labs and walk in clinics perform. However, many synthetic urine kits available on the market are unreliable, or just plain don't work. In terms of the complexity of the formula, Sub Solution is the best synthetic urine on the market. Due to the amount of mixing and measuring that must be done, theres a greater risk of things going wrong. Leave for 5 minutes. In the worst-case scenario of Magnum synthetic urine, it actually contains a separate vial of uric acid that they started putting in with the synthetic urine because it didnt contain any! But if its supervised drug tests, and youre a male, youre going to need a system like the reliable reliable Monkey Dong to fake the actual act of peeing. If you have no other options to pass a drug test but to use a fake urine sample, and if you have nothing else to lose, then you can risk smuggling your homemade fake pee even into the most secure testing facilities. Do These ProductsWork? To keep the pee at the proper temperature, there are 2 heating pads that come with the kit which you wrap around the bladder. Since it is powdered urine, its hard to use it at very short notice. We tried and tried to nail the process of clipping and unclipping the tube to release the pee and frankly, we cant imagine how someone is supposed to do this during a chaperoned drug test without sending up stadium-size red flags. Rescue 5 Day Detox Review (2023) Here Are My Results, Total Stealth Detox Drink + Capsules Review. Dont just cover up a persistent smell, eliminate it and discourage future marking of the same spots. In this guide, you will learn everything you need about synthetic urine and how to use it to pass a drug test. Apply the Cleaner. Next, add 18.2 g of urea and mix the solution until every crystal has been dissolved. When trying to get a reading remember, they might reject it outright that... Not within the simple solution synthetic urine should be at a temperature between 94 and 102 degrees match... A profession and they make excellent quality products that are always updated the. 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simple solution synthetic urine