wally west speed feats

So being faster than teleport is as much non sense as being above omnipotence. Without his mentor, Wally took up the mantle and became the next Flash, eventually taking on Bart Allen as his sidekick. Wally remained active as the Flash for years, eventually meeting Linda Park, who he would go on to marry and have two children with: Irey and Jai West. It's called time travel. Welcome to Flash comics. Wally, realizing that he had never created a life for himself outside of superheroics, agreed with the decision. In JLA (1997): Issue # 89, Wally West saves half a million people from an exploding nuclear warhead. I lowballed it like crazy. - Knocks around Johnny Quick early in his career (also shown above). Despite Superman's impressive speed feats and recent power developments, fans have continued to debate whether he is faster than the Flash or not. During his time in Sanctuary, Wally tried getting over his mental health issues. Good job, you can read, too. Writer wants to show him lightspeed thus he wrote light speed. 1) we have no idea about how many radios were there and at how much distance was in between. Wally approached them and after an awkward moment he was embraced by his old friend and fellow founding member Donna Troy. [22], Using his new godlike powers, Wally planned to forge the disparate fragments of reality into a single coherent timeline while Fuginaut guarded against danger from the Dark Multiverse. Ft. 106-49 Guy R Brewer Blvd, Jamaica, NY 11433. Furthermore, he was still upset that Barry kept Iris' murder of Eobard Thawne from him. He outruns the inflationary epoch of the next Big Bang after already outrunning the Black Flash to the end of time. But, anyone who can time travel can arrive at a place at a specific point in time faster than a teleporter relative to that teleporter's timeline, yes. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Teen Titans members" category. "You need me, and I'll come running." Wally West to Joe West[src] Wallace F. "Wally" West (born 1995/1996) is the son of Joe West and the late Francine West, and the younger brother of Iris West-Allen and the older brother of Tyler West . Wally and the rest of the Titans later went to the homecoming party at the academy where they were reunited with Tempest, Summer Zahid then reported that five students had disappeared and Roy deduced that Psimon was responsible after Raven lost the psionic trails of the students. As i said one can't get somewhere BEFORE MOVING AWAY FROM HIS ORIGINAL PLACE. I will probably mention some feats down the fight - but let's just say out of any being in the DC Multiverse - Wally West is the absolute fastest. Many current and former members of the Teen Titans gathered together the night before the battle. Wally ran away in search of a plan and found Deathstroke's son, Jericho, for help.[9]. that radio feat is an unquantifable feat. Justice League Vol 2 #50(July, 2016). Does it even matter, considering the fact that Wally used time travel to do it? I honestly don't know why you think it isn't. 2) maybe not everyone but some who can go FTL are able to time travel. [54], Mister Terrific used the technology which he and Barry had developed to communicate with Wally during his body-hopping adventure to track Barry's unique resonance signature in the Speed Force, and was able narrow his possible location to three alternate realities. The faster an object moves, the more mass it obtains. The team went on multiple adventures together and bonded as friends. Just before he fully faded away to become one with the Speed Force yet again, Barry Allen remembered him and pulled him out, saving him, and proclaiming that he remembered.[1]. Slade then reveals to Wally that he had also captured Wally's cousin, Kid Flash, as a contingency. And it shows in the crazy amount of ingenuity, creativity, and sheer power he's shown with it over the years. Because, while others use the Speed Force, Wally has become one with it. The two briefly got into an argument, though they made amends very quickly. Arriving at Sanctuary, Wally comes to realize that the Speed Force had most likely caused the explosion that killed the heroes in Sanctuary, only to spot Roy coming up to him in confusion, actually nowhere near the time bubble created by the explosion. 4) as you said he would win the race even before starting and if he has already won thus he won't even start to run and since he never started running thus he never time travelled and never reached end and never won. Both statements are ignorant, so why is one more correct than the other? According to Rann, we know that the DC Universe is more than 100 trillion light years in diameter at present time (since it continued expanding after creation). After a chance encounter with his personal hero, The Flash, Wally was struck by lightning and doused in the same chemicals Barry was when he was given superpowers, an event . Thus Obviously he DID waste time in thinking. He scans half a million faces in 1 picosecond (1 thousandth of a nanosecond). Wally is MFTL, while Silver Sufrer has better direct feats on Travel Speed, Wally is still vastly faster considering that speed comes from how fast you think more than move and Wally has Surfer . So now definitely time was wrong. The Yark - Bertrand Santini 2018 The Yark is a monster who eats only good children--until he meets Madeline, with whom he becomes fast friends. Linda was able to snap Barry out of his delusions and they told him what had happened to the Justice League. The problem for him was saving the entire Radioland planet faster than the all powerful gamblers could enact their punishment, which leads us to the "tuning every radio on the planet in zeptoseconds" feat which, as I've said, is perfectly quantifiable. let me explain. 8 Beds. Wally can create weapons out of nothing with Speed Force. In a recent Twitter post, Flash artist and writer Brett Booth explained that the various lightning colors denote a speedster's connection to the Speed Force, with red being the slowest and blue or indigo being the fastest. Wally West is The Flash, the fastest man in the multiverse. - Grabbed Wally's punch and slams him into a wall. This was the arrival of the Fraction, an interdimensional empire that used the Speed Force to plunder various worlds. Big T & Kane Cole) 11. Saving people frm a nuke in 100 picoseconds. I went to a good bit of effort on that post and here you come, dismissing my work on a sheer technicality. Wally West is undeniably the fastest Flash to have ever lived. Forum Posts. Slade then made Wally realize that speed was his main advantage, and now that the playing-field was evened, he didn't stand a chance, since Slade was a trained killer with superior combat-skills. How does that make sense? 3) i am not saying gamblers are omni, i was just giving an example that just like its logically impossible to be above omni similarly its logically impossible to reach somewhere before 0 seconds but whatever you may ignore this example. During an attack by Red X on the academy, Wally got all the civilians and his children out of the tower, leaving them in the care of Whistle and Lebowitz. Wally was happy to be welcomed back by the Titans, but he did not have the courage to approach Arsenal, who was raised as a zombie for the fight by Batman. During his fight with a White Martian named ZuM of the Hyperclan, Wally invented a move called the Infinite Mass Punch. But starting race at 0.0 and getting there at - 0.1 is logically impossible. Testing Superman Blue's speed. [31], The first wave was successfully repulsed, but when the Darkest Knight killed Perpetua he was able devote his full attention to the battle and unleash his best troops. Flash (Wally West) (Post-Crisis) Wally West, better known as The Flash is a member of the Justice League and the former sidekick and successor of Barry Allen. This granted him power equal to Perpetua and allowed him to create the Last 52 Multiverse. He is fast enough to not being detected by Silver Age heroes and AM while pumping his own speed into them helping against AM. Moving around the world in milliseconds. So putting the absolute strongest Sonic and the absolute strongest Flash seems at least to me to be the most appropriate Eobard Thawne gets super speed, develops the ability to travel through time, and discovers that in the future, he becomes the Reverse Flash. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Why is the first one wrong data and the second one right data? First Appearance During a visit to the Central City police laboratory where Barry Allen worked, the freak . "Physics 101. Wally West Edit Edit source History Talk (0) Categories . I could even extrapolate the fact of what he does to 999 zeptoseconds (which would be the highest amount possible given his statement). During the battle, Wally West had a "temporal seizure". Light travels about 300,000 kilometers per second. If superman or batman do something and i ask you to show proof that they waste time in thinking then it would be a stupid question. For other uses of "The Flash", see The Flash. [58] After realizing what was happening, Wally ventures into Central City to look for any survivors after the spire fell, only to find Barry cradling his aunt Iris' dead body.[59]. I'm not trolling, you're the one who came at me with your nonsense. So can someone show me his god-tier feats please? Nick Speed) Download: 320 kbps - Wayshare. Wally is MFTL, while Silver Sufrer has better direct feats on Travel Speed, Wally is still vastly faster considering that speed comes from how fast you think more than move and Wally has Surfer beat all week and twice on Sunday on Reaction Speed feats. Superman revealed to Wally that he also remembers a different world. You're making it up to suit yourself. Knowing that Flash runs 2 times as fast as Superman can run. Velocity = 5.6764383e+65 m/s. feat. You're right, writers don't write with a calculator in hand to make sure everything syncs up. This character is or was an incarnation of or an ally of The Flash, and a member of the Flash Family of speedsters. It should cover an entire city in a couple seconds. But when your argument degenerates into petty insults in lieu of actual arguments it's time to call it a day. Unless you're goal is to be contrarian for contrarian's sake then it's a very acceptable calculation of the feat. Like he can run x times the speed of light, just that he has ran faster than light. $1,198,000. When Wally awakened, he realized he had been restrained and given a truth serum. He told Barry he changed his mind about retiring and Ollie apologized to Wally over his own actions. At that moment, the speed force released a burst of energy, resulting in the deaths of nearly every patient in Sanctuary, minus Booster Gold and Harley Quinn. Reviews and Commentaries for Way Out West. A nuke expands really fast. Using his Super-Speed powers, he wields the Speed Force and became a costumed crime-fighter. there is nothing in this case to contradict logic. 3) nope, movement of electric impulses is a point. After a brief reunion with his family, Wally returned to action as the Flash once more. A direct statement from writer > indirect statement of reader via calculations. Wally West is a fictional superhero that appears in American comic books published by DC Comics. As a result, he suffered a mental breakdown. "You need me, and I'll come running." Wally West to Joe West[src] Wallace F. "Wally" West (born 1995/1996) is the son of Joe West and the late Francine West, and the younger brother of Iris West-Allen. [52], Wally's aunt Iris told him and Wallace that Barry Allen hadn't been seen since he left on a mission with Justice League Incarnate. Both are statements made by a narrator, why does the second one count more than the first one? You don't answer this. While being chased by a Raptor with super speed, Wally makes contact with Barry and they talk about the situation before the Raptor explodes in a huge burst of Speed Force energy that sends Wally to the 30th Century, this time possessing the body of his cousin Bart Allen. 1,497 Sq. [4] [5]. HAHAHAHAHA I will never agree with this. This character is or was primarily a member of the younger superhero team known as the Teen Titans, in any of its various incarnations. As you can clearly see in the scans above, each time the Infinite Mass Punch is performed, Wally's increase in "mass" is referenced, with Wally giving a clear statement for just how much his mass is being increased. Actually, both are correct, 'Septo' comes from 'Seven' in Latin, since it means 10 to the minus 3 to the power of seven. Speed: 1.893456e+57 (1.89 octodecillion times faster than light), Attack Potency: 1.788046e+47 Joules (Solay System level), Durability: 1.788046e+47 Joules (Solar System level). Park is West's "lightning rod" when traveling in the Speed Force. Jesse later referenced that event in the North Korea town, mentioning Wally evacuating mere seconds, instead of micro. . Whether it's Barry Allen or Wally West, The Flash possesses the incredible power of the Speed Force. Wally has used IMP twice actually, he hit Eboard Thwane as well while standing still when they fought in a picosecond again. Who is faster Sonic or flash? Flash had to search very less space. The long-running debate between fans of DC Comics' two most iconic heroes has been reignited with the release of Superman Comic #709. Did he go faster than the ones listed? In this issue, Superman is pitted against The Flash in a race to see who can run faster: the Man of Steel or the Scarlet Speedster? It didn't say he did that in 1 septosecond. Now try to understand what I'm saying, if he time travels he can get there before the race starts. no movement = no speed = no time travel. writers didn't made it with a calculator in hand so calculation of speed using data is useless specially when his speed is already stated to be BELOW Light speed. [56] Wally wouldn't fight back and so Barry came close to killing him until Linda arrived on Earth-Flash.1 just in time to save him. Wally freed Dark Opal from prison so he could lead them to the Heart, but by the time they got there Eclipso had already descended into the core. Using his Super-Speed powers, he wields the Speed Force and became a costumed crime-fighter. Wally can also think and react at superhuman speeds, and is also able to . Why does that only apply to one part of the feat? @rago_beyblader: Hello, welcome to CV. Carries those responsible in the path of the attack before it reaches halfway. He was able to cover 7,000 miles in 6.25 seconds, and even accelerate far beyond light-speed to the point of entering the Speed Force dimension. Nothing about it is PIS, either. Wally asked The Spectre if he could do anything to help Jai and Spectre told him that he could give Jai the surge of energy the Speed Force gave him for the fight against Savitar. I've never read anything that specified how many times the speed of light. [17], During these adventures, Wally would gain some closure regarding the events at Sanctuary after fighting alongside a version of Roy Harper against a vampiric Justice League, with said version of Roy dying but told Wally that it was his decision, Wally coming to the conclusion that the heroes of Sanctuary knew the risks of helping him, and that to treat them as victims would dishonor their memory. Wally wanted to run back into and through the horde to go after the Mobius Chair, while Barry wanted to continue to run forward. Using velocity, we can get his approximate speed in meters/second. During a battle against H.I.V.E., Wally suffered from a heart attack and apparently died. Moving around the world in milliseconds. If you noticed the picture at the top of this page, I chose it because of what it exemplifies. Plenty of people have disagreed with me before you and many will after. Why are you comparing Batman to the Gambler? He was born after Francine had separated with Joe, having left . . But Flash uses that one relative second to gain speed and time travel. Start an offer. Opal promised to recharge the glaive's magic and use it to seal Eclipso away again. If you can't grasp time travel then I don't know what to tell you. He got out of , and headed for the door. If you had you'd realize that the Cosmic Gambler starts teleporting before Wally finishes the race. With season 4 of The Flash set to premiere on Tuesday, I thought it was about time we went through DC's comic history to analyze the top speed of the true "F. Wally can make anyone and anything explode just by touching them. However, as a result of his presence within the speed force, Wally was able to remember the world's true history. This is when Deathstroke made Wally an offer: if Wally uses his powers to go back in time and change the past so Deathstroke's son doesn't die, Slade will quit being Deathstroke. background barry allen pseudo-adopting a central-city-hated metahuman on sight . While only . Quotations by or about Flash (Wally West). Wally West took over the mantle of the Flash after Barry Allen died in Crisis on Infinite Earths, after being the original Kid Flash. "Just speculation." Tier: At least 8-C. vsbattles.fandom.com. You're the one questioning the claim, provide the proof. You and I both know that clearly does not apply to The Flash or really any character with super human reaction speed. flash was just lightspeed while that nuke event. You either didn't fully read what I said or didn't comprehend what I said. Velocity = Distance / Time. At least, it's his destiny on his Earth. The Speed Force allows Flash to bend the rules of physics to breaking point, but there are still some . He is also a founding member of the Teen Titans when he was the Kid Flash, the sidekick of Barry Allen; the second Flash. This character is or was primarily a member of the superhero team known as the Titans, in any of its various incarnations. Wally later went to visit Frances Kane, remembering the pre-Flashpoint timeline. Wallace Rudolph "Wally" West is the fastest man alive, and the third speedster known as the Flash. Everybody care about flash's speed. [43], Doctor Fate took Wally through The In-Between to Gemworld, hoping to reach it before Eclipso did, but they arrived too late. [42] A mysterious glaive fell to Earth in the middle of Central City, but Mister Terrific, Wally and even Superman were unable to move it. Wally chased after Slade and caught up to him. LOL How much sense does it make ? The victims of the massacre were Arsenal, Blue Jay, Hot Spot, Commander Steel, Red Devil, Lagoon Boy, Gunfire, Gnarrk, Protector, Nemesis, Tattooed Man, Solstice and Poison Ivy. Wally's gotten so fast, that he just outran the Speed Force itself. However, just before Barry can sever Wally's connection to the Speed Force, he's transported to the prehistoric Earth and notices that it feels different from any other time he time traveled, as now he had somehow possessed the body of a prehistoric man but noted that he still has his speed (unlike the rest of the speedsters who lost their powers). This made him answer any of Deathstroke's questions and run against his will. It was not stated or shown that he shook the entire Phantom Zone previously, no. 1: Minimum distance would be atleast around the world a million times, because he specifically states he passed up Jay Garrick and Superman a million times. Wallace Rudolph "Wally" West is the fastest man alive, and the third speedster known as the Flash. Makes an attack moving at light speed to appear still. This is a concept called blueshifting and gives a visual example of how Wally is currently faster than Barry. Wonder Woman, who was forced to act as the warden of the prison in exchange for her fellow Amazons' lives, broke him out of prison, mortally wounding The Batman Who Laughs as they escaped. Advertisement. In the present, despite the arrival of Superman and Batman, Savitar defeated the gathered heroes before Wally regained his strength and suited up in his old Flash costume. you are flash fanboy and are overhyping his feats. Wally himself has performed several feats and made several references to be faster than Barry and having surpassed him. Moving from one frozen time line to the next on sheer speed alone is Wally's pinnacle of speed. Wally and Dark Opal, who was unaffected by the mind control, managed to fight off the possessed heroes and escape. Wally was able to eventually able to break free from the restraints and pin down Slade. [38] He continued to bounce around the timeline and Omniverse, possessing other speedsters at the lowest points in their lives. In a panic, Wally tried to dig his friend out of the rubble, but then saw him nearby in costume and hugged him in relief. (I know he and Barry outran the Black Racer, but didn't he also out run the Black Flash at an earlier point? No longer feeling like Kid Flash because of the decade of memories he still had that were wiped from existence, Wally resumed his position as just the Flash anyway. At least 2-C, possibly Low 1-C with Environmental Destruction Name . As both Kid Flash and The Flash, Wally's main superpower is superhuman speed that originates from the metaphysical "Speed Force." In fact, it was during Wally's tenure as The Flash that the concept of the Speed Force was introduced. But there is no proof. Wally in any battle can just go into picoseconds, take his enemy's speed and dump him in a Speed Force. How did he do it? According to Superman, the inflationary epoch of the Big Bang only expanded to a size of 60 trillion light years nigh instantly. Also shown above ) as friends over his mental health issues to remember the world 's true History costumed.. Later went to visit Frances Kane, remembering the pre-Flashpoint wally west speed feats Jericho, for help [! A costumed crime-fighter claim, provide the proof to bend the rules physics! Awkward moment he was embraced by his old friend and fellow founding member Donna Troy friend and fellow founding Donna! Had never created a life for himself outside of superheroics, agreed with the decision Jamaica, NY 11433 relative!, the Flash, and headed for the door human reaction speed at 0.1. Data and the third speedster known as the Flash possesses the incredible power of the superhero known., if he time travels he can get his approximate speed in meters/second makes an attack moving at light to. While standing still when they fought in a speed Force the pre-Flashpoint timeline & ;... 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wally west speed feats